By RF Schatten
Cognitive Dissonance must be ripping through the hearts of many Republicans...that's their disease. They just cannot imagine, the political reality of their argument...and, they will refuse to listen...because naturally, they're going to be absolutely right. Yea...right!!
Reality bites, and is biting the GOP right up their butts. 'This', is what they just don't want to listen to: 1) 20 million Americans (10 million who were uninsured) picked up health insurance or enrolled in
new plans. By November, when Open Enrollment begins again...expect all their neighbors, to make a mad dash for 'their' medical insurance. 2) Young people up to 25, can stay in their Parent's Plan...3 out of every 4 Americans support this part of the Affordable Care Act, including, more than two-thirds of Republicans. 3) 83% of Americans supports the ACA ban on pre-existing condition limits. 4) 88% of all Americans support the ACA's Small Business Tax Credit, including 83% of Republicans. 5) 76% of all Americans and 61% of Republicans, support the ACA's subsidies
to lower income. 6) 75% of Americans supports the ACA's enforcement of requiring mandatory insurance for companies with more than 50 employees. 96% of all the companies in America with 50 or more employees, already have's all the same GOP propaganda BS, why poor people
like Papa John's and McDonald's would go broke if they accept Obamacare. 7) 80% of all Americans and 72% of Republicans, supports and approve the ACA's Insurance Exchange Program.
Well!! 57% now support the ACA, and worse!! they prefer it...even more liberalized!! The GOP
hierarchy, must all be talking to themselves in the mirror, by now: "I told you, Obamacare will work" "no, it doesn't work" "It works" "It doesn't work" "we should've done this" "no, we should've done that" "need to be nicer to people" "screw everyone" "if we don't change, kiss Hillary and 2016 bye bye" "no one can touch us in 2016"'s Cognitive Dissonance!!
PS: If Republican Trolls stage a confrontation, and calls these figures false...just tell them to go to FoxNews!!...most of them came from Rupert!!
Republicans Heading For Disaster as 57% Support ACA or More Liberal Health Care Reform