Oct 30, 2014

Mediocrity...finding a candidate among the Republican masses

By RF Schatten

It's unbelievable how much the Republicans hate other people's success. And with Barack Obama, it pains them to see the country making progress...real progress...in spite of 5 1/2 years of Republican obstructionism. The economy doing surprisingly well, lowest unemployment since 2008...on its way to record numbers, below 6% by 2015, Lowest spending in 60 years, Wall Street setting records, and Forbes calling Obama the "Best Economic President of Modern Times"!!  It Kills the Republican Party to know that!!

They hate the fact that it wasn't them, who build 'that'! They hate the fact that Obama...of all people...was praised by Forbes for doing a better job, than Ronald and his magic "Trickle Down Economics". It's all this bigoted, racist Jealousy. The same that they have for every other successful President. Accomplishments, whether they're social or financial...look at the Kennedys and the Clintons...Obama has joined the GOP Mutually Hated Club, though not the first Black!...don't forget MLK.

 "Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius." ~~~ Fulton J. Sheen

There 'is' a lot of mediocrity out there in the GOP...that's why they can't find a candidate that can beat a single solitary little old woman, or man for that matter...Clinton"? Warren? They have absolutely nobody that can stay up with either of those two ladies. Maybe Lindsay Graham will run...as he said; "I can win the White House, and then White Men will make a lot of $$$"...more mediocrity!! This Good Old Georgia Boy? He's rich, so what! he's another Puppet Stooge for the John Birch Society, ah! I mean, the Koch Brothers, so what!...David Perdue, like the rest of the GOP, is still an insult to mediocrity!!

Republican Georgia Senate Candidate Wants To Prosecute Obama For His Success

Weed in America...Live with it or Crawl under a rock

By RF Schatten

The Conservative Right must think they're hallucinating!...Cops are supporting the Legalization of Marijuana? Not just supporting it...but publicly endorsing "Yes On 91". A Law Enforcement Coalition of 30 former Sheriffs, Deputies, Police Officials, Police Officers, Judges, and Prosecutors from Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and California have endorsed "91" because, in their professional opinion; "Treating Marijuana as a 'Crime' has failed."

The great Winds of Social Change. "Vote Yes on 91" has been endorsed by the Democratic Party of Oregon. also by the  American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 88, AFSCME Local 328, who represents the employees of Oregon Health and Science University, the United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 555...the state's largest Private Sector Union, and the Northwest Oregon Labor Council. More important, the Cascade Policy Institute gave its approval for '91'...in 2012, it went against the Measure, and legalization was short by 3%. These are not Pot Famers or NORML...they're pretty straight Organizations!

The Measure? It'll be licenced and tightly regulated by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. The Measure calls for the Tax Revenue funds to be shared as follows: 40% for K-12 Education, 20%  Mental Health and Alcohol & Drug Treatment, 20% to Local Law Enforcement, 15% to State Police, and 5% to the Oregon Health Authority. By the way, Oregon has had a good long time, to do things right...they were the first to "Decriminalize" Pot in 1973, and authorized Medical Marijuana in 1998.

And the support comes from the top, too. Gov. John Kitzhaber and Sen. Jeff Merkley have endorsed it...Merkley, being the first US Senator to endorse Legalization. Both are expected to win, so it hasn't hurt them...if anything, maybe it's helping them?

Time passes, Alaska will probably also go 'Green', and Washington DC will definitely approve it for recreational use...though, not the Sale. Marijuana, like Same Sex Marriage, has become  acceptable by the Establishment, and thus part of conventional wisdom. Progress cannot be stopped unless it's by force. You can't go back in time, or you can't freeze it either....though some prefer to go back to the caves, and hide under a rock...until the world is born-again. There's a lot of rocks and roomy caves out west, to hide...and cheap!

Oregon Marijuana Legalization Gets Boost From Cops

Oct 29, 2014

Spineless Democrats and Indecent Republicans...what a revolting development, this is!

By RF Schatten

"If Republicans stop telling lies about Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them" ~~~ Adlai Stevenson

Even back in the 50s, Adlai was already going at it, tooth and nail with Republicans. Why run on your record of success, when you really never have 'any' worth mentioning?...so, you lie till you're blue in the face!...today, you don't have to turn blue, too much prevalent ignorance roaming around. A little lie, a little propaganda, a party propaganda machine...FauxNews...lots of disinformation, hate, fear; and Voilá!!!

This "Cool Democrat" expresses the feeling of many good Democrats. Don't run like cowards! when all the records....like the Economy, Healthcare, etc...favor the Democrats! Fight the Lies and all the Deceits!
Unemployment hitting unchartered waters...lowest levels by any President, projected by mid-2015. Jobless claims were just over 300,000; lowest since 2007. Obama is outperforming Ronald Reagan in Jobs, Growth, and Investments. The budget deficit has fallen to $486 billion dollars...better than expected!...all after the inheritance of  a Trillion dollar+ deficit, after the 2008 financial crisis left by Bush.

Forbes Magazine...not your standard Liberal publication...came to the conclusion, that "clearly shows President Obama is the best Economic President in modern times.  Based on all of typical the economic indicators, including jobs, investments, growth and expansion, even the rate of inflation. In all of these areas President Obama’s record outperforms that of every other Modern President, including conservative idol, Ronald Reagan."

And the Polls show that 62% American public thinks that the Economy is "Poor" or "Very Poor"?? ....exactly what the Republicans want...the dumbing down of the American Voters! Thank you, FOX!

How spineless are the Democrats? as Spineless as they were when they controlled both Chambers, and never gave their Leader, their full support...that's why they lost the House! Who's putting out all the fear and the hate? And who are the cowards that won't fight back? Fight back! and don't back down...take the credit for what has been achieved, and broadcast it out loud!
But nothing will be achieved, and everything that 'has' been achieved...will be lost...if the voters stay home!  Don't complain or whine if don't vote, you get what you deserve...don't give up your vote!!

Spineless Democrats - by Cool Democrat - Newsvine

Oct 28, 2014

How to get rid of your opposition..."Delete"

By RF Schatten

How convenient to refuse to intervene...especially if the 40,000 Missing Voters from the Public Database represents primarily Blacks, Hispanics, and Youth Votes...translation: Democrats! Oh! the wonders of the computer age...the "Delete" button!

When you have a Republican Secretary of State...the person who Certifies the Election...determined to obstruct the Rights of 40,000 citizens, by simply not making even an effort, into making a Database Recovery. And you have a Republican appointed Judge Christopher Basher, a Judge rated by the Bar Association at the bottom of the barrel, among the worst rated in the Country. So! when you get 2 good old Georgia Crackers together, what do you expect? Bingo!

Christopher Basher is a Judge who's had multiple complaints made against him to the Georgia Bar, including; "Conspiracy and utilizing the legal administration of the court to aid and abet major insurance corporations in defrauding disaster victims of insurance compensation". Those are serious Criminal charges in the Peach State, or anywhere else...but it's never been investigated by the Georgia Bar.

40,000 missing votes, though closer to 56,000 according to the latest tally from different groups and associations...sounds like a Sunshine State experience! In Florida, they found them inside the Waste Management dumpsters in the back of a shopping center. Republicans are just attracted to garbage...in one form or another.

40,000 Georgians are disenfranchised of their basic human right. 600,000 more in Texas. Who's next? If you can't win on your own merits...on your platform, or even on your sparkling personality!...and you have absolutely no written plans, that you can present to your public...go for emotions of hate and fear. When nothing works...suppress the Vote! A suppression of 640,000+ voters? It's working!

BREAKING: Court Refuses To Intervene In Case of 40,000 Missing Voters In Georgia | ThinkProgress

Oct 27, 2014

Giving up your Citizenship, and Renouncing your Country...for a Tax break

By RF Schatten

The U.S. Expatriation Act of 1868: "The Right of Expatriation is a natural and inherent right of all people, indispensable to the enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Expatriation is a very common occurrence, In the 1920s a Lost Generation after WWI, wandered throughout Europe...with Paris, being where they called home...Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Dos Passos, Gertrude Stein, Eric Maria Remarque, TS Eliot, and the list goes on and on. Expatriates looking to find themselves and grasp life in Europe while enjoying the Paris life...especially at night! As far as anyone can remember, Americans have moved to other countries becoming Expatriates, and some renouncing their Citizenship...whether because of  political philosophies, religious theologies, lifestyles, work, or just personal reasons. They have 'that' right.

Renouncing your Citizenship and leaving your Country, all just because of your excruciating need to hoard money? Not much character, except that of a truly greedy human being. New Tax Regulations have made it increasingly hard to hide that 'money' from the IRS while living in Europe, now days. Tax dodgers who stash their $$$ in Offshore, Swiss, and German Banks can't do that anymore...as long as they're Americans...by renouncing your Citizenship, you don't have to pay Uncle Sam jack shit!!

People who move to another country, so they can hide their money from the rest of the world, are certainly not among the 99%. If they want to move? fine...but any revenue made in the United States should be taxed in the United States!! Expatriates who renounce their US Citizenship for any reasons other than financial, should be respected...but those, whose only reason to renounce their country is financial?...they're just worthless scum, who could care less about America. Good Riddance!!

Let them all leave...the more the better! What happens with this Nation if those with power and influence leave? The 99% can pretty well fill all those holes and gaps, left by all those Job Creators if they move out....we've reconstructed before...and we can reconstruct again, if necessary! That is why, they'll never totally leave!!

More Americans renounce citizenship over tough tax rules

Oct 26, 2014

GMOs: Should People be entitled to know, what they're eating?

By RF Schatten

Why would Monsanto put $4 million dollars and Dupont $4.6 million, in a ballot measure? A total of 16.3 million by Anti-Label interests, alone... It's all about Labeling...and the efforts of the Chemical and Big Agriculture Industries in refusing to Label what's inside the can of food...and why they don't want the public to know...what's inside.

It's about people, and having the right to know what they are ingesting into their bodies. Why won't they want to tell you? What's so terrible? If they have nothing to hide, and all this garbage is good for you, why don't they tell you how good it is, and label it...like every other labeled food? No one is outlawing GMOs...the State of Oregon, just wants to label GMOs because they believe every man, woman, and child in the state has the right to know.

Yea! yea! yea! it'll cost an additional .30 cents or so, per label...that's a big deal for them, apparently! What other excuse do they have? The union between Chemical companies and Agricultural companies is a marriage made in hell. A company that produces fresh harvest vegetables interchanging ideas and research...then producing food products, with a company that produces Astroturf.

So why does this Election has become the costliest in state history? A victory for pro-labeling may inspire other States into doing something correct. As of this date: "Yes on 92" leads 49% to 44% with 7% undecided...2% more for a win, is close!

Just think, next time you open a can of Spinach...think of what's inside, if there's no GMO Label...maybe recycled Green Astroturf?...hell! better than Soylent Green!

GMO measure costliest in Oregon history

Oct 23, 2014

Extermination and Humane Executions: Back to the Future with the Tea Party

By RF Schatten

Well! The true character of the Republican Tea Party has finally come out of the closet! The "filth" that America so much loves! if the Polls are correct.

EXTERMINATE People! Now, it's Ebola...what next? Extermination of those who don't quite fit the mold of Social Conservative America?...they probably wish, they could turn on the ovens. because they're so so religiously 'pure'. Human waste like Todd Kincannon shows the true spirit of the Republican Party and their Tea loving minions. "Humane Executions"?...you know, like the Humane Society!

And why not? To them, identifying Ebola with African Americans is part of their Fear and Hate strategy...identifying the President with Ebola, Aids, and Africa; "The African Culture that made Barack Obama is why the Zulus were still putting bones through their noses while Americans were walking in the moon" ~~ Todd Kincannon

Yes! Todd Kincannon is an ignorant piece of shit, a disrespectful, hateful, racist and bigot.  But he symbolizes everything the Republican Party stands for...keeping the people ignorant and uneducated, and instilling fear and hatred of the Poor, the Blacks, the Hispanics, the Gays, and the Women...and keep a constant campaign of misinformation and deceit.

And if the ratings or polls are still unfavorable to you? Suppress the vote and buy more Judges! They've been doing it openly, and very successful at it...just look at the Polls, folks! But the extermination of people because a disease and the immediate sanitation of the area, afterward? this shmuck has been watching "Outbreak" once too many times!.

Exterminations and Executions sounds too much back to the future, for me. I prefer my oven for Pizzas. I've read my history...and I've learned my lessons. Too many in this country haven't...but, keep making a scum like Todd Kincannon, a hero of his cause...and there's going to be a lot of cramming for history lessons!

Pro-Life Tea Party Christian Todd Kincannon: Execute All Ebola Patients (Screenshots) | Americans Against the Tea Party

Buying Democracy in America

By RF Schatten

"We are not living in a democracy when giant corporations like Chevron can buy local governments. That's called Oligarchy, not Democracy. We have got to fight back." ~~~ Bernie Sanders

Why shouldn't Chevron have the right to buy an election? Koch Industries buys them all the time! Since the Supreme Court said that a Corporation is a private citizen...they've got as much right in buying a Politician, as any individual billionaire has. All these laws benefitting the very rich and famous are brought to you, courtesy of our Volksgerichtshof...oh! it's 2014?...I mean, the US Supreme Court...though the names Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Roberts, and Kennedy, could easily be mistaken for the ghosts of Roland Freisler, Fritz Rehn, Harry Haffner, Franz Schlegelberger, and Otto Georg Thierack. Whatever helps the Party and especially...their benefactors, I guess.

Greasing local elections...not Federal Elections, but Local Municipal Elections!...Mr. Corporate Citizen is going to town! Richmond, California to be exact, shaking everyone's hands, and greasing them at a rate of $33.00 dollars per person over 18, who votes. There's a reason why Gas in the West Coast has gone down recently...getting all those Votes out!

Municipal, State, Federal Elections...they want to leave their footprints, edged in every City Hall and State Capital across the country, if they could. Truly controlling Government starts at the Municipal and State levels, and Chevron isn't the only Corporation getting into our local communities, into our School Boards...leaving their influence and $$$...and at our City Halls, and naturally the Courts; Municipal and Circuit.

The LA Times' Michael Hiltzik wrote; "For a corporation to manipulate a municipal election on this scale should be illegal". Corporations don't really care, they have their biotch in the GOP and in SCOTUS...who will come through and save the day, as they always do. Bernie Sanders is right, an Oligarchy? If the top 1% have their way, a Government ruled by Corporations and Industrialists with Politicos fronting the Government...an Oligarchy is a real possibility. Do people care what's happening in America, today? as Bernie said, we gotta fight back! Apparently the Polls say, America doesn't give a shit! even if they know all the serious ramifications that are going to hurt them directly, immensely!...the open lies, the fear mongering, the blatant hatred towards anyone that's below them. Life in America under David and Charlie Koch, and their minions, the Tea Party.

Fight Back? Democrats never fight back...they prefer that idealistic High Road approach. Republicans, on the other hand...believe in the words of Leo Durocher; "Nice guys finish last". They'll always take the Low Road and today's GOP and their Tea loving cousins will stoop to the lowest depths, including the destruction of this country...to achieve their ultimate sordid goals. Fight back?...

Chevron Greases Local Election with Gusher of Cash | Michael Winship

Oct 21, 2014

Poll Tax is Legal? Yep! in Texas...thank you, SCOTUS!

By RF Schatten

How to hijack and steal an election, the Republican way...go visit an uncle at the US Supreme Court.

A Court, that at the whim of a Political Party...or a very special "VIP"...will go out of their way, even coming up with horseshit rulings, that even 'they' said it was a "One Time Only" ruling...remember Bush v Gore? Corporations are People, striking Section 5 of the Civil Rights Act, now this!...little by little the continued dismantling of the Civil Rights Act. The Court handed Greg Abbott what he wanted, he just ripped off Wendy Davis of at least 500,000 votes...and what a coincidence!! All those votes were from African Americans and Hispanics. Coincidence?

The last time Judges systematically ruled over cases..."for the party's cause"...was Germany. Last time they appeared in court, was in Nuremberg. If this was 1947, and you reverse the countries...Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, and Alito, would be sentenced to hang! For what they have done...they don't deserve anything better. Using the power bestowed by people, and selling it out for the $$$ of Koch Industry, Monsanto, Dow, and every other industrialist...over the common man. The US Supreme Court believes that an American has the right to Vote...if you can afford to pay for it! They apparently believe that the Poll Tax is legal...even if it violates the 24th Amendment and Civil Rights Act. What do they realistically think? It's illegal...but it'll give the GOP an advantage during the elections!

How come it's not surprising that if any Draconian laws are approved in this country, it's going to be in Texas? If anyone wants to know how the Republican Party would administer this nation if they took power, just look at the Lone Star State. They love to incarcerate people, with prisons and county jails at almost full capacity...and they're very proud of Rick Perry's Guinness record Executions. Women are second-class citizens, according to all the actions of Greg Abbott, and how he feels about women, and the control he wants over them and their bodies.

Texas ranks at the bottom or next to the bottom in Children Medical Care, in Pre-Natal Healthcare, and in total Health Coverage. Texas ranks down under in Education, too...but, give the kids some credit, it's hard to think in school when Thinking is frowned upon, and school boards are trying to outlaw the use of Critical Thinking. And with their Revision of History books to reflect their personal thinking and believes...it's pretty, much indoctrination to stupidity...keep the youth as ignorant as possible and lie about history, then make up your own rules as you go along, or have your personal Judge keep them legal for you.

Should people take this bullshit perpetrated by the GOP and their Judges sitting down? Some will! In fact, a lot will!...that's why Americans are the way they are...living in a state of perpetual apathy of our Government, no matter who is in control. Some day they'll care...but then, it might be too late! If you care? go out and demonstrate! if you don't? Live with the results, but don't say you care. Want to make some noise? Go out on Election Day in force...all 600,000...and show the world the injustice that the greatest country in the world has. 600K strong, out making their noise...if you can't voice your feeling at the ballot box, show your voice and your anger in the streets and at the Polling Precincts! Show the world, that Americans are not going to put up with shit!

Supreme Court Allows Texas To Enforce The Most Draconian Voter ID Law in The U.S.A.

Oct 20, 2014

Openly lying in public: Why certain people buy it...even if they know it's a Lie

By RF Schatten

Open public Lies and Fearmongering...what a lovely way to win an election!...or in the case of Texas, denying 600,000 people the right to Vote! And all this, from the same people who've brought you the constant and hypocritical criticism of other countries, for denying voters' rights...and who continually call for their Governments to stop lying to their populace. The same people who keep calling for Democracy abroad...really don't care much about Democracy at home.

In Politics, today, it doesn't necessarily matter whether you 'Royally Suck' as a politician...your moral character is incidental...it's what you can do under any circumstances to win. The Republican Party has royally sucked in forming policies for the U.S. population since 2008...they've never had an agenda of their own, except to make Obama a "one term" President...now, their only agenda is to annoy the crap out of him, and the rest of the nation till 2016, while pretending to be hard at work, as they've been doing all along. We know how hard they work, that's why they need so many many 'vacations'!

From one end, you have Rush Limbaugh lying to people and instilling the fear about Ebola...and what's worse...he admitted that he's doing it! all to help the GOP in November...and with a big grin on his big fat puss. Why does he think he can get away with it?...because he knows his ignorant minions will blindly follow him, no matter what he spews...as long as he can get that turnout. In the case of one, Karl Christian Rove... his reputation follows him. Ever since his loss to Anonymous' "Orca" on Election Night 2012...his stock has lost its worth. Now he comes up with a huge stupid open lie about Obamacare in the Blue Grass State...the use of fear worked well in Germany, and Rove is a master at the practice of "Propaganda".  Instill fear, apathy, and keep your opponent's Voters away from the Polls.

To the people of Kentucky: Are you sitting down? Kynect and Obamacare is the same damn thing!...do I have to repeat that? If Obamacare is threatening the families in Kentucky, then your beloved "Kynect" is too!...why?...because, they're both one in the same! How hard is it, to convince supposedly normal, at least semi-intelligent adults...that Kynect is just the name of the ACA program in Kentucky? A campaign of deceit and fear by the firm of Rove & McConnell...now how honest, did you expect this race to be? It's not the ACA they're against, it's the name "Obama" on it!...and the birth of the name came from the GOP! If McConnel wins and the GOP takes the Senate, he'll try his best to repeal the entire Act...including Kentucky's Kynect, no matter how successful it is in the State...which it is!

If Kentucky loses to McConnel, Rove, and the Koch Machine...it's their own damn fault and deserve to lose everything! You can't teach imbecility. Lies and Fear to the ignorance of their constituency, and if that doesn't work?...keep them away from the Polls, by hook or by crook...Poll Tax, anyone?

Karl Rove's ObamaScare Tactics Could Backfire And Help Alison Grimes Win In Kentucky

Oct 19, 2014

White Privilege in a Multi-cultural and Multi-racial World

By RF Schatten

"Whiteness is, variously, a metaphor for power, a proxy for racially distributed material benefits, a synonym for "white supremacy", an epistemological stance defined by power, a position of invisibility or ignorance, and a set of beliefs about racial "Others" and oneself that can be rejected through 'treason' to a racial category" ~~~ Historian Eric Arnesen

We have reached the stage in our national discourse, which should have been addressed long ago...our American Society and the lightning fast changes in our Cultures. Too many things happening all at once in our way of life, with our population evenly exploited by all political sides...some, more than others...though, most by one side's degenerate and indecent political campaign tactics and agenda.
It's about time we discuss something that's really, extremely vital, and at the heart of the core of these elections...the disparity gap in  our societal classes...financially and socially. And the constant evolution of our culture...not understood by everyone, or in self-denial about the realities of life...stop living in the fab 50s! time marches on! Sony don't sell cheap transistor radios anymore, High Definition Color is the new Black & White, and June Cleaver is dead.

"White Privilege"...whether you agree with O'Reilly or with Stewart...nothing would benefit this country more, than a good, healthy, civil discourse on what really divides our Nation. And when you speak about white privilege, much of the debate will eventually, turn to the topic of American Exceptionalism".

American Exceptionalism has been the theory exploited to the masses as Patriotic...based on Liberty, Egalitarianism, Individualism, Populism, Republicanism, and Laissez-faire. We're not that exceptional anymore! Exceptionalism is the arrogance used by Wealth used by Wealth and the Aristocracy over all others, for centuries. Today, we have those who believe in their own exceptionalism and exclusivities...and who want to turn our current economic system, more into a Laissez-faire Economy. A Ruling Class Society in the 21st Century?...we're not a 3rd World Country...Only in America!

[VIDEO] Bill O’reilly vs. Jon Stewart on White Privilege | LNC – Live News Cloud Stream

Oct 18, 2014

Life in Prison, plus 90 years more after you die...go figure it out

By RF Schatten

I can't ever understand why "Life Terms" include +certain amount of years? To 'appease' the family of the victims? to 'justify' how hideous a crime?...or does it really matter? When your dead...you're dead! After you pass away, are they going to keep your carcass...rotting in the cell...for another 90 years? Bernie Madoff got life +150 years!...and he didn't commit murder...I'm not excusing his crimes or Dunn's. They can rot in prison till they die. It's understandable...for the records...each crime and each sentence must be recorded. But adding more years to a sentence, beyond a man's death...proves nothing!...except our exceptional and excessive appetite, for those illusions in our believes of how Law, Order, and Justice, suppose to work...to show the world, who tough America is on crime.

United States leads the World in citizen incarcerations...another little problem that needs reforming in this country, especially with the advent of Private 'for profit' Prisons. Murders by the bad guys, murders by the good guy cops. Kids going to school and mass murdering other kids. Horseshit Laws protecting the perpetrator..."Stand Your Ground" laws...and we're back in Florida, again!

In the case of Michael Dunn, it was about standing your ground, but even more about not standing someone's music. After the shooting, Dunn and his girlfriend went back to their hotel and ordered a pizza....and he never called the cops to make a report. He knew better and deserves whatever he got. Will he care about the other 90 years after he dies?

Life without Parole +90...plenty of time to ponder...he can write Bernie and both of them can convey each other's wisdom. They got all the time in the world!

Michael Dunn Sentenced to Life Without Parole for Loud Music Killing - NBC News.com

Oct 13, 2014

Associating Gays to the Nazis...and the GOP are not Bigots, either?

By Rf Schatten

It's pretty pathetic when you have to resort to the propaganda technique of "Association"...associating Gays to the Nazis. The Hatred for Gays, surely exists within the Republican ranks, though they'll deny it till they die...just like their continuous cynical denial of Racism. The fact that Gays were persecuted by the Nazis...you don't mention 'that'!

Use intentional vagueness and confusion, to keep exploiting your ignorant masses...another propaganda technique; "Obfuscation".  Why would the GOP resort to so much propaganda to influence the country? why, if they truly believe they 'are' correct...and, that they're adored by everyone...would they need to resort to this?  When you have absolutely no plans in your agenda on how to fix this country of all the troubles and all of the ills, and with all the other horseshit you spew about daily...you got to give your loyal fans something...this is it. Lying and Deception and Disinformation...more techniques!. They're just shameless acts in a civilized society, perpetrated by shameless indecent men and their own personal greed. Of the 53 or so Techniques of Propaganda, how many have been used by the GOP in the last 6 years? Hint: More than half.

30 States now recognize same-sex marriage. In 5 more States....AR, KS, MT, SC, and WY...Federal appellate rulings have set a binding precedent in favor of same-sex marriage. In 8 more States, judges have issued rulings in favor of same-sex marriage, and appeals to many of these rulings, are now stayed...and being struck down every day. 43 States and DC have either made it totally legal or they're on their way. 55% of the U.S. population lives in a State where same-sex marriage is legal...and Over 64% of the U.S. population will soon live in a State that same-sex marriage, again, is legal.

Republicans need to stop whining, With all due respect to the late Edmund Muskie; there's no crying in Politics! You lost the Gay Vote because you despise who they are, and personally, they don't like you either, for who 'you' are! Give it up and swallow your pride...Gay Rights and Gay Marriage are here to stay, and no Court is going to stop them now...so suck it up and live with it!

Republicans Say Rainbow Flags Remind them of Nazi Flags - But Actual Nazi Flags Don't

Oct 11, 2014

GOP in self-denial...the Cubans' love affair with the Republican Party is over!

By RF Schatten

When will the GOP realize that Cubans just don't like Republicans anymore? The Charley Crist vs Rick Scott battle for the hearts and minds of the Sunshine State's Latino voters is over. 53% to 29%? Scott better concentrate on his base of Tea Crackers in North Central and the Peninsula. Healthcare is killing him!...ironically, in Scott's previous fling in Medicine, he financially destroyed his Healthcare company (Columbia/HCA)...for being a court certified fraudulent crook. More importantly, could this be a sign of things to come by the Hispanic Community throughout the country?

Cubans in general don't care much for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz...in Cuban parlance, they're 'worms'...in the case of Rubio, a little worm! They 'are' an embarrassment to the Cuban Community in SW 8th St. and throughout the rest of this country. Cubans are very proud people, and all these 2 characters do, is give the Cubans a bad name. Son dos mentirosos y descarados, sin corazon y sin alma,

Crist has the Latino Vote...big time...as well as the Minimum Wage issue; 64-15! The Cubans most important issue? The Economy...point for the Dems. Followed by Immigration; point for the Dems again. And that, followed by Healthcare; again the Democrats!

But, It's only Florida...and Scott is just not that well liked, since day one. But could this Hispanic trend continue throughout the country? and make that difference between winning and losing. Texas, is another example...and now that the courts ruled against Abbott's ID Laws...Latinos are going to remember! It's a crazy election year!

New Poll Reveals Florida Hispanic Voters Favor Crist

$7.25/hr: From politicos who make 10X more...because the GOP cares, so much!

By RF Schatten

So!...$7,25/hr is a Living Wage? That's a pretty insulting remark! Whether he addressed it, to his masses of human ignorance...or the American public, in general...it's an ignorant insult to the intelligence of the American Adult. See what would happen if he has to work for $7.25/hr!  He doesn't care because that's the mentality of the people he works for...We, the People?...yea, that's funny!

Scott Walker is not a fool...he got to where he is now because he's a political whore, who's bought out...lock, stock, and barrel  by the Koch Brothers...he, along with neighbor Paul Ryan are their official GOP mouthpieces. $7.25/hr sounds about right. Anti-Union, Anti-EPA, Anti-Women, Anti-Education...make the 99% the 99.5%. A Ruling Class Society would be fine for these good old boys. $7.25/hr sounds just fine for the GOP, too. They continually refuse to raise the minimum wage...it's no coincidence who owns the GOP, today. Even Old Mitch agrees that they would be broke, and couldn't win without Dave and Charley pulling the strings.

You get out of college with a 100k or 200k loan to pay back, even before you start your career...and $7.25/hr is a good living wage? The fact he equated Minimum Wage to the fast food business...shows his arrogance. The same arrogance the GOP holds over anyone who's not like them, sort of a narcissistic arrogance.

If this is what the people in Wisconsin want...then they deserve $7.25/hr! But you must look at the bigger picture. Scott Walker just represents those 'interests' that have no interest in the American People, he's the Koch Brothers' living experiment of what they want for America to look like. They 'can' be stopped...if the electorate wants to stop all this conservative madness...but, how badly enough does the majority of the country, really want to do something about raising the Living Wage?...how important is it? If you don't Vote don't complain later!

Gov. Scott Walker Says $7.25 Per Hour is a Living Wage

Oct 8, 2014

With a much larger Rank & File, all the Democrats need, is to vote...if you can motivate them

By RF Schatten

With Mid-Term Elections just around the corner, it appears that the Democrats' message is finally breaking through...despite the Media's failing attempts to show some positives created by the Administration...like a growing economy. Obama outperforming Reagan on every economic factor...best private sector jobs creation performance in American history. A 6.1% unemployment, forecasted to fall around 5.4% by Summer, 2015...more records...and Wall Street, acting Bullish with their record Highs. With an Affordable Care Act that is working...signing-up more and more every day...and Social Tolerance, being generally accepted by the overwhelming majority of this country, Only apathy can hold the Democrats, hostage...they got the numbers on their side...if the rank and file decide to get up and go vote, they can't lose. The question remains; "Will they get their couch potato asses up, and go vote?

It's hard to hear anything good from the Donkeys these days, when right wing Batshit "shock" sound-bytes sells more ads on News TV!...it's not what's right or what's wrong in politics, anymore...it's what's best for business; show them the $$, and they'll show you what's best. Real and important Information is secondary to news events showing, for example, Palin making a fool out of herself...again, or more about Benghazi...again.

But never underestimate the electorate, which the GOP, apparently never understands. After all the talk, and everything is said and done...it comes down to Sanity, Understanding, and Common Sense, or Lunacy and Radicalism. All the Polls are showing a steady trend upwards for the Blue crew...and with the exception of a race here or there...most races have the Democrats in the lead or in a virtual dead heat, in both the Senate and Governors races. Obama's latest approval ratings by Rasmussen...not your raging liberal pollster... are up to 46%. And yes! yes! yes! to all those before they 'troll' back...George W Bush was at 37% at this point of his Presidency, just before the Mid-Terms. Who's gaining momentum? Latest Poll for the US House...yes! the GOP's 'untouchable' House of Representatives: National US House Race ~ Democrats 43% Republicans 42% (Ipsos/Reuters) 10/3 -10/7. It's going to be a fun and wild ride these next 30 or so days!

HUFFPOLLSTER: Democratic Campaigns Are Reaching More Voters, Survey Finds

Oct 6, 2014

In its continued tradition for the outrageously stupid...enters another clown!

By RF Schatten

"Liberal Bias"...interesting use of words. Liberal, by definition...can't be Biased...it means "Free from Prejudice and Bigotry"; also "Tolerant" and "open-minded". "Conservative", on the other hand, is; "Intolerant"..."disposed to Preserve Existing Conditions and Institutions, or to Restore Traditional Ones, and to Limit Change".

Only what changes they want, of course! Paint a pretty picture of American History...if you can't erase it...re-touch it in the image you want, to cover it up.

A businesswoman sits on Colorado’s Board of Education. A business person, that besides going to College and getting a Degree...has no clue about the field of Education. I wonder what her grades in History were? Slavery ended voluntarily?...really? Tell that to the 750,000+ that died on both sides. Or why it took the Emancipation Proclamation...an "Executive Order", by the way...to free the slaves in the 11 remaining rebellious states of the Confederacy. History by Tea Leaves...whatever you want to hear, you will hear.

Another candidate for the Batshit Hall of Fame, to join Michelle's "Concord NH, not Concord Mass, was the cradle of the Revolution" and Sarah's "Paul Revere's Ride to warn the British, because we were going to take away their arms when they landed"

It's all these Loonies that just keep on giving!...and its reality...that adds a sense of sanity and hope to an already insane political theater.

Colorado Republican's Claim that America Ended Slavery Voluntarily Steals Our History

Oct 5, 2014

Political Polls in 2014: Who's Right, Who's Wrong...and Who's on First?

By RF Schatten

If you're a political junkie...you got to love it! All the polls in this season's political election theater...appears as if it's "Who's on First?"

One day the GOP has the lead, and are going to conquer the Senate and overturn every single piece of legislation passed by Obama...the next, the Dems have the lead. How correct are the polls? If Nate Silver says something, in either direction...both sides freak out, in one way or another. Then you have Nate's not too bosom of a buddy...his adversary...Sam Wang. Want to listen to other Polls? from Gallop, Harris, Rasmussen, Real Clear Politics, Quinnipiac, the list goes on. You got your Newspaper polls, and now you got a whole lot of good respected Polls on the Internet, too.  There're so many polls now days...private polls, public polls, partisan polls, there're polls coming out of their asses! So who's right?...and who's wrong?

The one thing you do see...slowly all polls are coming together about their predictions. Either, the Dems lead or they're neck and neck in every race. You hear about the let down in the Democratic Party and the Administration...but they're holding their own...especially the women, who are doing great, both in the Senate and Governors' derby.  It appears the Republicans have stumbled into roadblocks on their way to November, around the country...ironically roadblocks they've built all by themselves. But, hey!...at this time of the year, common sense...usually wins out over ignorance and stupidity. Not that the stupids can't win...this 'is' the only country on the face of the earth, that they 'could' win! All other countries would just laugh them off the political stage.

NBC poll: Good news for Senate Dems

Oct 2, 2014

It always comes down to the Economy

By RF Schatten

All the Wars, all the Social Injustice, all Foreign and Domestic Policies, don't mean a rat's ass when it comes down to the ultimate election's decider..."The Economy"

You would believe that in an Election cycle, the GOP would be going after the President on the one issue...besides Healthcare...they've been hammering in the minds of the American people, every day, year after year...till now. You would figure that with all those high Unemployment rates, how people are losing their jobs, how awful the economy is...it's all Obama's fault!! The poor "Job Creators" can't create new jobs! the country is turning socialist! They appear on the southside of the polls, on every single issue...specially Healthcare...so why not go for the Conservative Republican strength; $$$ and the Economy?

In a closer look at the Economy, the GOP should be saying 'Oops'!...but they're lying up their ass and succeeding at it! 4 in 10 approve of President Barack Obama's handling of the economy. 62% of likely voters describe the economy as "poor," Isn't that a success for the GOP? But, they won't talk about it because the country may become much aware of reality.

The GOP's biggest shame...having a Black man outperform King Ronald on Jobs, Growth, and Investing. The ADP reported the private sector added new 204k jobs in August. The BLS reported 142k more jobs in Sept, after 6 straight months of 200k or more jobs. All major industries covered by the ADP report added jobs last month. Professional and business services adding the most at 51,000. Trade/transportation/utilities added 28,000 jobs and manufacturing added 23,000. Construction and financial activities industries were somewhat behind other industries adding 15,000 and 5,000 jobs respectively. With 164,000 jobs added service-providing businesses significantly out-hired goods-producing businesses which added 41,000 jobs. Unemployment rates at the lowest since Bush, Wall Street hitting record Highs. What else you need to prove for more than 4 out of 10 to think Obama is doing a good job with the economy...54 straight months of private sector growth...an administration record!

Soon, an election is coming up, in which the top issue 'is' the Economy. The GOP won't talk about it, and the media hasn't exploited it. The GOP/Fox propaganda; Keep the electorate ignorant. Blame it on the GOP or blame it on the Media...but if the electorate wakes up...the GOP better not count on those close races, too much.

AP-GfK Poll: Economy Still the Top Election Issue