Sep 30, 2014

A Shameless Tale: Re-writing History for the Ignorant, by the Ignorant

By RF Schatten

You cannot re-write History to fit your believes...whatever horseshit you re-write only makes you look like a can't change actual events or the times back then. You just cannot change the reality of the past!...the rest of the world knows the truth. It's like living in Ignorance all your life because your parents decided to make the teaching of History, political. And then these are the same people who talk about how bad Education is in America!

If education is bad, there's your reason! People hellbent to teach their children...and yours!...what 'they' want them to learn; in their own way, and in their own terms. It doesn't matter how ignorant your parents've got to be just like them! Live a life without ever learning about the world outside of you or your family group. The ignorance is understood...but to hurt your own family? The ploy of Social Conservative America: Cut education, and privatize it...only for the privileged or those who can afford private education... and keep the rest of our future generations ignorant. Texas batshit sub-humanoids feel the same way, with their intentions of re-writing American History...and forbidding Critical Thinking!

America! what a Country! Where "Thinking" is not allowed, and where books not approved by 'Christian America' are banned...where, only their re-written Bibles, History, and other books are allowed. They 'do' want to build a Theocracy on their way to a Ruling Class Society. It's 'Book Burning' time!!

Art Linkletter was right; "Kids say the darndest things". If more adults care the way kids care...maybe something can be done to make this country a little better? How many times do politicos sit down and listen to their own kids? Don't underestimate our youth!...there's where politicians always go wrong. They're the future...screw them now, and when they reach voting age...they're going to screw you! There are a lot of very smart bright kids out there!...allow them to grow! to expand their minds!...the power of knowledge can accomplish so much, and add so much to the richness of this nation! I do read banned books, it's my human right...and it's 'your' right and everyone else's. Dissent and Protest? it's about time!!

Students Protesting AP U.S. History Censorship Are Heroes

Sep 29, 2014

The GOP running on empty...back to that Good Old Time Religion

By RF Schatten

The Sociophobia of the Republican Party. When a group of Homophobes, Xenophobes, and Gynophobic males takes control of the Party...what do you expect is going to happen?
They lost the Women, Latino, Gay, and Youth vote...they never had the Black vote. Every demographic sector...unless going Blue. They oppose every single election issue across the what do they want for the American people? what do they stand for?...besides $$$?

An Economy that's grown at a rate not seen since 2006, Unemployment levels lowest since 2008 when Bush was President, Wall Street hitting record numbers. On the Social side, Obamacare is becoming a success, the majority of the country favors: Gay Rights, Women Rights, and Voter Rights, Gun Control...and Marijuana has become a non-issue. And also, all Environmental issues...including Global Warming. There's not one issue in which the GOP agrees with the President, or the rest of the nation.
So! when you're shit out of luck...and have absolutely no platform to offer 'we, the people''s time for giving out some of that Good Old Time Religion!! Glory!! Hallelujah!!

Social Conservatives are rounding up the Flocks. Dog Whistle politics is what they live for...their way of spewing out their hatred...and still believe to consider themselves moral children of God. This is what the Supreme Court 5, with Scalia leading the way, is trying to do...create a can only succeed if the country allows them...this 'is' the world's most unpredictable electorate.

With Nothing To Run On Republicans Blow Religious Dog Whistles

Sep 28, 2014

Politicizing Birth...reaching the highest point of desperation

By RF Schatten

Leave it to the New York Post...News Corps' successful attempt in converting a respected American Journalism institution since 1801, into a cheap tabloid...exploiting sensationalism and Yellow Journalism.

It's been a long long time, since the glory days of the New York Evening Post...the days of Drew Pearson, Max Lerner, Pete Hamill, Earl Wilson, and Eric Sevareid...when Eleanor Roosevelt was a regular guest columnist. Today, The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch. It's part of his ultimate world goal of controlling all you hear, read, and see...though England, may be a little hesitant now days...if you get my drift.

Trashing a day old baby, it's not an intellectually correct thing to do...but who says Conservatives are that smart? look how the Party is self-imploding ...all it shows, is the Conservative hate mongering over a Family, a family's baby at that!. If a Kennedy would be in the Clinton's position, it would be the same. It's just that deep hatred and jealousy, Conservative America has for the Kennedy Family and the Clinton Family...maybe it's because they've been successful in their job? and people happen to like them?

Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky is becoming a famous baby! Without even being consulted, she has become part of American politics...she's a prime suspect, in Hillary's sinister conspiracy plot to win over the Voters. This poor kid, not a week old yet...has been the brunt of batshit crazy Republican Radio and Fox, and now the Post...all because she might help Hillary in the Polls? She's just a baby!!

Will she be a Liberal? who gives a shit?...she's a baby!! let her grow up!!

Now, speaking of "Liberal" and "growing up", what Republicans never talk about...Ronald Reagan, the Lord and Saviour of Conservative America had 2 little Conservatives with Nancy...Patty and Ron. Both of them, now are highly Liberal and Progressive activists. My suggestion: Leave the baby alone, and concentrate Grandma!...or you're going to have a hell of a lot of Liberal babies being born after 2016!  

NY Post Mocks Chelsea Clinton's Baby. No, Really.

Sep 26, 2014

Fighting Obamacare is Unhealthy for Republicans and other Living Things

By RF Schatten

It's Maalox time for the GOP...again! Every time, more horrible news about the success of Obamacare, hits the news media...the sales of antacid around DC House and Senate staffers, make a mad dash to the pharmacies. They just can't understand why Obamacare is getting so popular?...sad, but true...they prefer to live in a state of illusion, forever.

Funny how the Republicans decided to call the Affordable Care Act; "Obamacare"...associating the ACA to the President...a way to disrespectfully demean the program. To the chagrin of the Grand Old Party and their Tea drinking cousins...Obama turned it around by saying; "Yes, Obama cares!"...and people have been listening, by the millions. They hate the success of the program, and the facts even more.

The uninsured rates for the Hispanic community have taken a plunge, from 35% uninsured to 17%...thanks to "Obamacare"! The states who refuse to expand Medicaid remain virtually the same at 33%...and that's obscene!  All these people vote...some, because they're pissed not having the same equal right on healthcare, that others have...and the rest, because they're glad someone did something for them. Either way, Republicans better stop playing in Fantasyland because the Latino Vote, 'is' going leftward big time, this year.

The success stories: In Oregon, 95% of all Oregonians now have Health Coverage! Hospitals are running more efficiently, benefitting from lower costs due to the slowdown in Medicare spending! Medicare spending for each of the nation’s 50 million elderly or disabled Medicare recipients would cost $1,000 less than was expected just four years ago! 11,000 Baby Boomers signing up for Medicare every day! Latinos, Women,  Students, and Recent College Graduates...starting their careers! Everyone is getting on the bandwagon while the GOP is just sitting alone, without anyone in their dance card. The ACA is not a good talking point for the GOP, now days. When speaking to a Republican, hand them a Tums and talk about the ACA...just tell them; "Remember November"!!

Number of Latinos with health insurance surges with Obamacare

Sep 24, 2014

Paul Ryan cuts new promo for the Middle schtick, same old message

By RF Schatten

Political Rules 101: If you can't sell the horseshit you spew...repackage yourself...appeal to the Middle Class; "Tax cuts for everybody!". Appeal to the poor by making token PR appearances at Food Banks and Shelters...hopefully, he's learned to work the Soup Kitchens at those shelters by now. He'll try to look more populist, care more for the problems of the common man...and will fail miserably because he's not the common man. At the end of the day, it's the same old sell schtick...and the same old horseshit.

Does this costume change make Paul Ryan any different? Does anybody believe this man, suddenly is going to change all his radical ideas and plans? This is Paul Ryan...Ayn Rand disciple and Star Puppet for the Koch Brothers' Puppet Masters Show. Pauly is a very ambitious young man, he'll do whatever money can buy...David Koch and his brother Charley have the $$$...and Paul has the Koch's Carte Blanche!

Paul Ryans agenda is dedicated solely to the 1%...and 'that' is never going to change! All the Soup Kitchen volunteering doesn't change his arrogance, and all his pumping iron pics, doesn't make him cool...just dopey!

Paul Ryan Declares War Against Math -- NYMag

Sep 22, 2014

The Republican Party: The transformation from respectability, to the Tea Party

By RF Schatten

Agree or disagree...the GOP, at one point of their existence...were dignified and respected men and women in our society, who might be in disagreement with the opposition...but like civil adults, they believed in "political decorum"; an observance or requirement of polite society. 'Decorum' is not a word in the GOP/Tea Party's dictionary of batshit words and terms.

What would America do without this 'clown show' on their screens, popping up every night? They 'are' the comedy relief we all need from going insane. The GOP welcomed these groups of characters with open it's their's hard finding a cure for the stupid.
The Alumnus of this Freakshow includes such intellectual luminaries as Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell. You got the Akins, the Mourdocks, the Bucks, and the list goes on and on...and don't forget Palin, Bachmann, and Cruz...all 3 eligible on the 1st Ballot into the Tea Party's Batshit Hall of Fame.

They 'are' a joke...a comedic relief inside our Political History Books...who spew vile and dangerous rhetoric in their demagoguery, but are so off the wall, the consensus sees them just as a bunch of loonies. Like the Emperor's New Clothes, they just laughed at him and thought of him as a fool...these batshit crazies truly believe everyone's behind their causes...while the rest of this country are laughing at these fools, and all their insanity and stupidity. How long can all this insanity last? Republicans are quietly admitting that the GOP has become a danger to itself...too bad!...but they deserve it, and much more.

How Long Can the Republicans Hide the Crazy? - The Daily Beast

Sep 20, 2014

The GOP turning to Socialized Medicine?'s Election Season!

By RF Schatten

The #1 rallying cry of the GOP: "Obamacare is Socialized Medicine!! Our Country will turn Socialist if we allow Obamacare to exist!!". The stark reality of an Election...when all myths are busted, when you can't change the numbers around anymore, and your argument has lost all its value...without a blink of an eye, embrace the program as if it was your idea all along. Hypocrisy? hey, it's politics! expect anything different?

Well, well!...the way the GOP is suddenly embracing Obamacare, so much...all they're lacking is a Red Party Card. It's the GOP's way of kissing down to the petite bourgeois for votes, I suppose. The proletariat? they've heard the horseshit, many times before. And why do they need to embrace it...besides a few Red Governors being in deep serious re-election trouble?

Estimated ACA QHPs as of 9/18/14: 8.14M PAID (9.37M Total)

CURRENTLY Enrolled/Paying: 7.30M (as of 8/15/14 - Confirmed)

Estimated Total, all sources: (24.0 Million - 28.6 Million) ~~ A) Exchange + Off-Exchange QHPs: 16.1M and B)Medicaid/CHIP (6.2M - 9.3M)

The country is embracing the ACA wholeheartedly. And expect those totals to double or triple after this year's signing period. In Oregon, uninsured Oregonians has dropped 63 percent, from 550,000 to 202,000 people, since national health care reforms took effect, and it was just announced, an estimated 95 percent of all Oregonians now have health coverage, up from 86 percent last year. It's time for the GOP to just give up on that fight...they got clobbered, and it's here to stay! Find another wrong cause to exploit, till they're totally embarrassed and humiliated again.

Obamacare sea change: GOP governor boasts about ACA benefits | MSNBC

Sep 18, 2014

Conventional Wisdom on Same-Sex Marriage: Live with it!

By RF Schatten

We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto...the world is rapidly got those who believe in the evolution of man, in progressing as human beings, seeking answers and finding ways to make this, a better world. The better it is, the more people accept it and decide to find ways to cohabitate with each other...and it doesn't matter what God you believe in...they all say the same thing; Peace on earth and goodwill to others. As Khalil Gibran said: "We are all sons of one religion, and it is the Spirit".

Then you got those who would rather remain their entire lifetime, their minds, their entire progression of a status quo. It's 2014!...but for them it's the 1950s, for some even longer. The one reality in life is: you can't turn the clock back! No matter how many laws are passed to stop the progress, our society has will not stop the American people from achieving their goals! We've gone way beyond how to stop social mores...and more, on how to improve our quality of life. A little happiness within a society goes a long way.

But you will always find those who refuse to accept the fact, that the majority of this country do not agree or accept their ideology...those in self-denial, who use religion as a way out for bigotry. They have the right to believe whatever they want, but...they can live in their own little world...they just do not have the right to impede the progress of the rest of our Nation! They will continue to argue forever! as the world passes them by...and all you can do is look...what a waste of resources, talent, and humanity!

The Stunning Velocity Of The Marriage Equality Movement

Sep 16, 2014

The GOP Women: Like a battered in an illusion, or enjoying their degradation by the Grand Old Party

By RF Schatten

A Political Party in desperate need of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The GOP insists that they don't have a "War on Women", yet they oppose every single Woman's issue around! Why not protect women rights?

Why doesn't the GOP believe in equal rights for women...not just Equal Pay...but total equal rights? And then they come out with all the classic horseshit, on why they believe that it's in everyone's self-interest to control one's body. They are a shameless bunch of degenerate shriveled up old them, women will never be equal. Naturally, that Legislation appears to be written by the Koch Industry's part of their personal philosophy...Mitch McConnell has openly admitted that the GOP is beholden to David and Charley. So why would it surprise anyone that the current GOP's platform, is a quick reminder of shades of the John Birch Society?

Why would the GOP decide to openly oppose the women's Paycheck Fairness Act"...less than 90 days before the Elections? Seems like one very stupid move, especially since the overwhelming majority of Americans...and the majority of GOP the right of Women to make their own self-determination. Having control of a Woman's body is an immoral human act...those who favor such despicable behavior are the same hypocrites that talk about the evils of Government, being on everyone's back and their intrusion upon the American Public.

Sep 11, 2014

Gynophobia, and the Republicans' Fear of an all Female Sweep

By RF Schatten

It appears the GOP's bubble has burst on "Women"...a subject that gives Mitch McConnell nightmares...and just won't go away. A 73-25 Vote to break the initial Filibuster, looks pretty piss poor for bunch who pride themselves for being, Gynophobic...would've expected a larger fight from these old white male 'chauvinist pigs'. That sounds like the 60s and 70s...Margaret Chase Smith, Shirley Chisholm, Geraldine Ferraro, and in particularly, Bella Abzug and Betty Friedan, are all looking down with a big smile from heaven, and saying; "It's about time!"

Could it be that 2014 might very well be, the 'Year of the Woman' in Politics?...and with the lack of women in the GOP that could cause louder sound-bytes, than Sarah and Michele...they will cowardly exit on 'that' subject almost right away, specially with such a short time for people to forget, what they really stand for. The names of Lundergan Grimes, Nunn, Davis, and Burke, are the current thorns in the GOP's behind. And in West Virginia, whoever wins that seat...will be a woman, too! Women from both Parties are quickly moving up in State and Federal Politics...and men, can't hold them back anymore...just sit and watch.

They're losing their own war on women, besides all other why are Republicans being so Gynophobic? Maybe it's their own self-denial that women can perform as good, or better than a man?...or maybe these big macho Republicans, feel emasculated by Women? Either way, they can't seem to get it...they're not in their 'perfection' of the 1950s anymore, there's no Pleasantville...and June Cleaver was just a Black and White fictional mom, who only wore ruffled aprons on camera!

Senate Democrats Break Initial Filibuster On Equal Pay For Women Bill

Sep 10, 2014

The GOP's selling of's all about the $$$

By RF Schatten

"We have fallen heirs to the most glorious heritage a people ever received, and each one must do his part if we wish to show that the nation is worthy of its good fortune" ~~ Theodore Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt believed in the Preservation of our natural lands and resources, habitats...the preservation of what God put on this earth, for us to cohabitate with. He also knew the dangers that man could acquire and ultimately use against their own nations; "The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life" He was a good prognosticator!...he also left the Republican Party, and was never proven wrong for it.

Today, the Grand Old Party...under the facade of Tea Bags...are pushing their own agenda. The auctioning of Public Land, and the screwing of the Conservation Legacy of Teddy Roosevelt. They could care less about our waters...the lakes and the streams...let them get polluted as much as they want. They 'are' the legacy of Ronald Reagan's life...his dedication on the destruction of the Great Society...first, his ambitious dismantling  of the American Labor movement, his approval for the deregulation of the Air Traffic Controllers. Approving the atmosphere of Corporate Greed, with his "screw everybody" mentality...just look at Michael Malkin...the true life Gordon Gekko. Ronnie also made it fashionable to lie to Congress, by never "recalling" anything he $$$ laundering the Contra Rebels...and allowing the flow of drugs into this country, even, while his wife and her program was saying; "Say no to Drugs", he was a true political degenerate and hypocrite.

Koch Industries' public court records are there for your inspection. All the polluting fines by the EPA, and the wrongful death lawsuits that have run into the multi-millions of dollars...the GOP wants to eliminate the EPA!!  Surprised? Who benefits from the Keystone Pipeline? could it possibly be Koch Pipeline Company LP? Who benefits from selling America's Beauty?...They talk about returning the land to the States...and Auction it off to the highest bidder, to generate $$$ to pay off our debts. Doesn't sound like the State will get much shit out of that whole deal!! It's all about the Corporations buying this country up. Why not? they outsource the jobs to other countries with cheaper labor, use loopholes to avoid paying taxes, stick all their private wealth in offshore banks, and now they're are moving their "Corporate Filings" out of the country to evade even more Burger King. Talk about greed!!

It's no surprise that every single issue in the GOP's agenda, has come out of David Koch's political playbook, when he ran as the Libertarian Party's VP candidate. It's well documented how they feel about selling off Public Land for private profit. It also is no coincidence that all 13 Members of Congress that want that legislation to pass, are fully paid and owned by the Koch Brothers.

Pat Fuller on Twitter: "From Climate Progress on Facebook. I do not think this is right. Do you? Please share. #UniteBlue #PDMFNB"

Sep 8, 2014

US Congress, and its resemblance with the House of commoner there!

By RF Schatten

The Rich get richer...while everyone else awaits for that trickle, to some day come down. 'That' trickle is what the GOP has been doing to this country, everyday...I call it pissing on your constituency! Darrell Issa, the wealthiest of them all, estimated at a net worth of nearly $357.3 million in 2013. In fact, the majority...268 of the 534 members of Congress...have a net worth of $1 million or more!! For the 1st time ever...millionaires hold a majority in Congress...the 1% Caucus!

Do they care about those less fortunate? Issa is an Army Vet, and voted against the VA!...he doesn't need it, he has the best Insurance the Taxpayers can buy, for these his own! (think about it folks...we, the taxpayers pay for Federal Elected Officials' Salaries, Travel expenses, and Insurance Plans, which are considered "top of the line plans" ...but the average citizen has to pay a higher premium than Congressmen do...for a worse plan, or get Medicaid and/or Medicare. We're paying for their Insurance while we get screwed out of ours!!). This professional slimeball also believes in the repeal of the minimum wage...and why should he give a shit?? He makes more than a million dollars a day!!

It's all the indifference and the arrogance aristocracy has always held over all lower classes. You wonder why the economy, taxes, wages, cost of living, education, and the quality of life is stacked against you?? They make Laws to benefit themselves...or do you really believe that from the kindness in their heart, they're doing all this for us?? Who's living the good life, freeloading on the Taxpayers expense?...without even needing to touch their own $$$. That's Mitt Romney and David Koch's world!

Wealth controls this Nation, whether you like it or not. We created this system...and we have to live with it unless we do something about it...and if you don't like it? vote all this scum out!! We pay them, they're 'our' civil servants!!

The Problem Fix? Civil Service is a commitment in which every citizen, should contribute their services towards their country...not a professional job!! An elected official, applied for the job voluntarily and got it...he shouldn't be doing it, for the $$$ and the retirement perks and benefits, which he gets after 2 terms (4 years)...even if he loses afterwards, and never heard of again!

If all Senators and Reps, want those jobs to "do what's best for America"...they have money!!...make all elected officials work at Minimum Wage, not $174,000/yr or the Speaker's $223,500/yr... give them the same Health Benefits the Government gives the minimum wage workers...and take away their "Frequent Flyer Miles" that the taxpayers are forking over...just for them!! Let them fly coach, or take the Greyhound!!

Analysis: Rich in Congress get richer

Sep 6, 2014

The November 4th Battle: Apathy vs. Ignorance

By RF Schatten

It's about time, the Democrats stop apologizing for all the GOP's "Callous Policies". Why should Debbie Wasserman Schultz be reprimanded for using a figure of speech to criticize Scott Walker? Walker is the most corrupt, dishonest Governor in the country, openly corrupt! often publicly bragging about it. This is the guy who sold his Governorship, and Wisconsin to the Koch Brothers...remember when he got punked by Ian Murphy? He never denied, what he said during the Phone Conversation...he was caught "Live" on the air!. Then you wonder why this scumball is in one Legal mess and scandal, after another.

The fact that Wasserman Schultz likened Walker's leadership to domestic violence abuse? It was 'noted' that throughout the prank call, the "Governor maintained his appreciation for and their 'commitment' to civil discourse". Apologize? apologize??...when has the Republican Party ever apologized for the indecency and total disrespect their members have towards the President? For all the indecent and racist comments said every single day of the year, by cynical hypocrites on the Right...and their fanatically ignorant minions on the Far Right!!
Why is it expected for the DNC to apologize, when the RNC and their supremely smug leader, Reince Priebus...never apologizes for anything? If they don't care about sinking this country, why should they care about a little political theater? Ahh! it's election season!!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz did something that lacks heavily within the Democratic Party, the 'cojones' to stand up and say what the vast majority of this country feels!! The Democrats, are currently the Party of Apathy and Spineless Cowards who refuse to stand by their leader on issues that they elected him to Healthcare and Immigration. They lack that fighting spirit for what they believe in...maybe too much youthful idealism, and not enough pragmatic thinking...the Dems have to stick it right back in their opponents face and beat them at their own game! You can't run elections in a civil manner're not dealing with Political Statesmen, you're dealing with Political Charlatans, quacks...and their ignorant legion of followers, who will try to deny your vote, at any cost.

This coming November, we have a major political battle: Apathy versus Ignorance. If the majority of Democrats come out and vote, they can't lose...if they stay home? don't criticize the outcome, just because their ignorance rubbed on you!!

DNC Refuses to Apologize for DWS' Comments, Says GOP Has 'Callous' Policies

Sep 4, 2014

Like Father, like Son. You 'do' get an Education...about the Cruz Family

By RF Schatten

Raphael Bienvenido Cruz, a "Guzano"...a Cuban who trash talks tough against his Government, but quietly crawls out of the country without notice. In Senior's case, this character was a Castro ally, who left Cuba at the age of 18, after supposedly fighting alongside the age of 14. He left in 1957, so that puts him in the Moncada Barracks Attack. History has recorded every person who was there...either killed or captured...a trial that lit the flames for the 26th of July Movement, and with Castro as an attorney...defended himself...his famous 4 Hour Closing Speech? "History will absolve me". 'That' folks, was the start of the 26th of July Cuban Revolution. Well? he's not dead, or served any prison time with Castro. Any Cuban who seriously keeps up with Cuban History, knows who served time with Fidel, Raul, Juan Almeida, and company...or just look it up in your local library. Daddy-O! you're not in it. Mi hermano! eres un descarado!

He eventually immigrated to Canada, then moved to the United States and got himself a mail order Minister's diploma from a Cracker Jacks Diploma factory. Now he's the Far Right's anointed 'voice', for all their Religious intolerance...the voice of a true Charlatan, a quack spewing his bull with the grace of a TV Minister. With all the closet dramas of the younger ones, and the obvious embarrassing senility of the older ones, Raphael 'Daddy' Cruz's ministry has become a darling bright spot, for those who fancy Tea.

The all seeing wise Christian, who has openly stated that Ted's the messiah...hand picked by God himself! when he was save the world from the Anti-Christ (you know who!), and the return of an all Christian Nation...which it never has been. Now, he's going to "Educate" the "American Negro" in History and in American Racism...a Cuban immigrant by way of Canada, teaching African-Americans about African-American History and Racism? This is the same wise man who said, he didn't know in his teens that Castro was a Communist. Neither did the Cuban Communist Party, who didn't trust him dating back to the mid 30's...and didn't give him any support, financial or human, till 6-8 weeks before the end of the war. Castro himself, didn't come out till a few years later.

Ted Cruz is a true aberration in politics...a true enigma of a man.  He's not can't be, to earn the credentials and College Degrees that he has...yet, he finds a way to appear Ignorant most times...ignorant enough to piss-off his own Republican colleagues. Is he a smart book guy? get straight A's and graduate with all the honors you want...then go to work, and you suck? or is he just playing with your mind, acting as if he was ignorant...manipulating himself for a different time or different occasion? Either way, one thing about Ted Cruz...his immoral character. Instead of trying to educate something he doesn't have a clue about, educate his son on Morals, since he's a 'moral' Christian and a man of God, now.  How can Senior teach Junior morals...when Junior is just a reflection of Senior?

Daddy Cruz, The Self-Appointed Educator-in-Chief For The American Negro

Sep 1, 2014

Ted Cruz: The Perfect compassion, and your consummate Liar

By RF Schatten

He's an American Political Aberration...if there's a bit of controversy, you'll find Ted Cruz lurking around, or almost the center of it all. How can't you have a week pass without Ted Cruz getting into the media spotlights? He lives for controversies...the
ultimate political publicity hound.

When it comes to making friends and influencing people, Rafael Jr. needs to read the book. The psychobabble he spews to his fanatical flock of flunkies is classic got to admire him for 'that'...he's the GOP's #1 star politico, when it comes to bashing opponents or causes. He also ranks among its biggest fools...often embarrassing himself, his Party, or both.
From the man who brought you today's cheap version of Tail Gunner Joe, with his own witch hunts for Commies and Terrorists...they never amount to anything, but he gets his sound bytes and photo-ops. This character seriously wants to sell all of America's Public
Lands...he's proposed legislation on it. Nothing will come out of it, either, but he got another 5 minutes on the nightly news!

His public rudeness, lack of respect to everyone who's not a phony Christian like him, his lack of humility, and his total lack of personal moral values; a Canadian who wants to sell America's Lands...will never get him elected President...his ability to make himself look like a total fool, doesn't help either. "Worth noting, Dallas has a worse murder rate than the Bronx" tweeted John DeSio, spokesman for Bronx Borough President, Ruben Diaz. Another embarrasing moment for the GOP, because of Raphael "Ted" Cruz. Diaz said; "Cruz needs to grow up". John McCain would say; take his toys away, and send him to his room. Like John, many in the GOP are tired of his negative antics...but hey! live with
it...he's just voicing the GOP agenda!

NYC Politicians Slam Ted Cruz For Bashing The Bronx

Ted Cruz: The Perfect compassion, and your consummate Liar

By RF Schatten

He's an American Political Aberration...if there's a bit of controversy, you'll find Ted Cruz lurking around, or almost the center of it all. How can't you have a week pass without Ted Cruz getting into the media spotlights? He lives for controversies...the
ultimate political publicity hound.

When it comes to making friends and influencing people, Rafael Jr. needs to read the book. The psychobabble he spews to his fanatical flock of flunkies is classic got to admire him for 'that'...he's the GOP's #1 star politico, when it comes to bashing opponents or causes. He also ranks among its biggest fools...often embarrassing himself, his Party, or both.
From the man who brought you today's cheap version of Tail Gunner Joe, with his own witch hunts for Commies and Terrorists...they never amount to anything, but he gets his sound bytes and photo-ops. This character seriously wants to sell all of America's Public
Lands...he's proposed legislation on it. Nothing will come out of it, either, but he got another 5 minutes on the nightly news!

His public rudeness, lack of respect to everyone who's not a phony Christian like him, his lack of humility, and his total lack of personal moral values; a Canadian who wants to sell America's Lands...will never get him elected President...his ability to make himself look like a total fool, doesn't help either. "Worth noting, Dallas has a worse murder rate than the Bronx" tweeted John DeSio, spokesman for Bronx Borough President, Ruben Diaz. Another embarrasing moment for the GOP, because of Raphael "Ted" Cruz. Diaz said; "Cruz needs to grow up". John McCain would say; take his toys away, and send him to his room. Like John, many in the GOP are tired of his negative antics...but hey! live with
it...he's just voicing the GOP agenda!

NYC Politicians Slam Ted Cruz For Bashing The Bronx