Jun 7, 2015

Rick Santorum On Climate Change: The Wisdom of a Shyster

 RF Schatten

"A Wise Man can learn more from a Foolish Question than a Fool can learn from a Wise Answer" ~~~ Bruce Lee

Rick Santorum is neither wise...or a fool! He's just an opportunist!...a Professional Attorney...whose ability to put out an argument in court has served him well, inside and outside of political office.
Listed in the Top Ten among the most corrupt politicians in the United States! This man will never! never! never! admit to Climate Change, because he sold out to $$$$$...the National Weather Service Duties Act of 2005, which he Introduced in the Senate but failed, would prohibit the National Weather Service from 'releasing weather data to the public without charge' where private-sector entities perform the same function commercially.
It's all about $$$ for Dan Savage's favorite 'Santorum'. When online services like AccuWeather "Donates" cash to Rick Santorum, personally...and his PAC...they're not doing it for his love of public concern, if you know what it all means?
The immoral character of a man who gushes out Christian Values while he looks out for #1. His National Weather Service Duties Act, essentially would say to the American Public; You want to know about the Weather? Pay for It! you want any warnings about a Tornado, Hurricanes, Snowstorms and Blizzards? Want flood warnings? Pay for It, Sucker!!!

How Immoral can a Human Being be? Rick does associate in circles where the barriers of Immorality are placed lower and lower...it's an everlasting Political Limbo Dance for Republicans, and Richard John Santorum can always be counted in finding ways of lowering 'that' bar even further. 

An example of the type of Lawyer, Santorum is...he could've been a very good attorney and bondsman for organized crime! This Religiously devout Shyster, early in his career, successfully lobbied in behalf of the "World Wrestling Entertainment" for the 'Deregulation of Professional Wrestling', using the argument that the WWE is not a "Sport", but "Entertainment"!
For those who do not understand and think it's only a show...Professional Wrestling may be considered officially 'Entertainment', but it's among, if not the most physically and emotionally damaging and draining professions, in all of Sports! The fact! he lobbied and defended a Company from "regulations". A Company who's had an unusual and ridiculously high attrition of Wrestler Deaths, before the age of 50...all due directly or indirectly from the use of Anabolic Steroids!

A hypocrite who's Christian Values publicly says No to Drugs!...but whose Professional Values fights to deregulate an Industry, so Promoters can turn their backs on the Drug use and be less legally liable for those deaths! It's always about the Corporation & the $$$$$. Drugs in Wrestling today? It's still around, but promotions are setting their own regulations and standards, drug testing, fines, suspensions, and rehab care. Because of political pressure?...nah! more like, 'Fan Pressure'!...those who know the names and seen their heroes die before they even rich 50! That concern came from We, The People...not from We, The Corporation! Sufficient reason, I would suppose?

Now, the Shyster's words of wisdom are to be understood over that of a 'Man' who can stand toe to toe with any religious human being on the face of this earth, and say to them; "You, your Religion and your Values...are all full of shit!

Trust Scientists over Pope Francis, who happens to be a Chemist...with a Degree!...but trust Rick Santorum over any Scientist? Climate Change, Hurricanes, and Floods? Rick Santorum will never have to worry about drowning...shit always floats to the top!

Rick Santorum Tries To Explain Why He Can Weigh In On Climate Change But Pope Shouldn't