May 30, 2015

"Delightfully Tacky...Yet, Unrefined": Hooters? No, FoxNews!

By RF Schatten

You've got to hand it to FoxNews...when it comes to Tasteless and Publicly Offensive programming...they're in a class all of their own! With all due respect to Hooters, the "Fair & Balanced" crowd at Fox, should change their moniker to "Delightfully Tacky...Yet, Unrefined"

There 'is' a reason why all the Advertisers on "19 and Counting" are taking their money and running away from this Family's Values, as fast as it's humanly possible. It's called Embarrassment!
A planned featured Sit Down Interview with Megyn Kelly to discuss the scandal and to "share their hearts" with the 'public' this case, your loyal everyday Fox minions! ...and don't expect a "Questions & Answers" Interview, digging heavy into the subject.
"We appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for our family at this time"'s going to be a Revival! A sermon, sweetly shedding their tears and miraculously becoming a true wholesome Christian Family, all over again; all that will probably be missing will be a big "Cross" behind Megyn.

There's no need to drag the Duggar's fiasco on TV, the their hometown is embarrassed enough and ashamed ...they're not going to admit to anything, especially with so many things that are being investigated...and now, Child Protective Services is starting their own series of investigations. Every day, new filth has been coming out. Jim Bob and Michelle can spew their religious heart out all they want and convince their own flock. But, that's as far as it's going to go...with other Christian Evangelicals, that's it!

Child Abuse, any way you cut it...covering up a Child's mental and criminal acts, is giving that child 'Carte Blanche' to continue in his merry ways. Yes! FoxNews is very "Unrefined" in its views on Morality, and very "Tacky" in its selection of programming...Fair and Balanced? they're not!...Unrefined and Tacky?    

Duggars To Sit Down For Fox News Interview With Megyn Kelly