by RF Schatten
When Herman Cain was interviewed on
Television recently, he spoke about something, that he has
persistently been questioning...ever since his declaration to run for
the Republican Party: “Why can people understand that a Black man,
can be a Conservative?”
I don't know, why he is so persistent
on letting people know that he is a Conservative? His insistence,
appears more a problem with his own inner mind, than anything else.
The reality of the matter, is that no one cares...whether he's
Conservative or not. But to Herman is he, who keeps
bringing the subject out...certainly, is not the Press, who are genuinely trying to cover his Candidacy, as just another GOP
candidate...a former CEO of a Pizza Chain, who did good as a
businessman, and now wants to run for President, on the merits of his
financial business knowledge.
Now, he has gone a step
further...saying that Blacks have been “Brainwashed” into voting,
not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of
view, and being part of the Democratic Party. I'm not Black, but in
all appears as an Insult to the Black Community...and,
to all my Black fiends and colleagues...that they are not intelligent
enough, or not educated enough, or not even, just have plain common
sense... to be able to make up their own minds.
What Herman Cain may not
understand...or maybe, he's too naïve to understand, is that Blacks
do remember “History”...and what lessons they have learned about
the Grand Old Party. Now, you mix in Social Conservatism and
Fundamentalist Christianity...into the GOP, and it's a clear big
sign, that reads: “We don't want people of Color, to mix with our
Women and Children, or Ourselves”. Actually, they just don't want
Blacks to succeed. A clear indication is Barack Obama...and the
treatment, and disrespect he gets from the GOP Tea Jon
Stewart said: The Tea Party claims that they are not!
they are not Racist!, they just don't like the Blacks.
It's not about Conservatism,'s about Racism and Bigotry. There is this confusion, that
probably, only Herman Cain has...a very large portion of the Black
Community is Conservative, and a large portion is against Abortion,
and Drug use...and, favor Family Values. But Conservatism,
unfortunately...don't care much about the Issues most important to
the Black Community. The GOP has been the Party for the Conservative
American Aristocracy, for pro-business Corporate
America, and tend to favor a limited role for Government in Society.
What Cain refuses to understand, is
“that” History. The Republican Party's basic philosophy, has
never changed...and now, they have taken on, even more Radical
positions.They are in favor of the total elimination of Welfare,
Unemployment Compensation, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid...all
programs that are invaluable to the Black Community.
Look at what the Black Community, has
gone through...KKK lynchings, Cross Burnings, “Poll Tax” and the
disenfranchising of the African-American
Vote, the determination to make the Civil Right Act, and its Movement,
not succeed. Segregation, Martin Luther King and Medger Evers, assassinated...Bobby Kennedy, a white man, who fought for the Rights
of Blacks, assassinated. The dehumanizing laws of White/Colored
Restrooms, White/Colored Drinking Fountains. Lester Maddox's Refusal
to Serve Black People, Blacks sitting in the back of the Bus or for
Blacks to come in and leave, through the back door, in an all white
establishment. In Miami Beach, FL. Blacks needed an ID Card to travel
into the City...and only to work as Domestics...after 6PM...they had
to leave and return to the City of Miami. Harry Belafonte, Lena
Horne, Sammy Davis, Jr...and all other Superstars, had to enter the
Hotels, where they were Headlining the Shows...through the kitchen
entrance...and had to leave the Hotel, because they were not allowed
to stay there, and go to Miami, and stay at the Hampton
Liberty City (the Black Neighborhood, in Miami).
All along, where was the GOP in its
defense of the Black Man? Where the Hell were they??...I know where
the Democrats were..where Bobby Kennedy was, June 11th,
1963...making sure 2 Black students got their Right to enter, and
call themselves Crimson Tide...and earlier, on October 1st,
1962, when James Meredith became the first Black Student at the
University of Mississippi. The Democrats were right behind the Black
Community...and when LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act...and ever
since, the Democratic Party has been behind the African-American all
the way. It's no coincidence, that of the 41 Black members of the US
House of Representatives, now...40 are Democrats. The only
Republican? Allen West, if that's any surprise.
The fact that Herman Cain, came out of
poverty, studied and worked hard, to achieve his great success, is
admirable...his hate and resentment for rising up, literally from the
gutter, goes deeper than his Virtues...the truth, whatever happened
to him as a child, may or may not be important. What you really see,
is his character, a man that went after his goal, at any cost, and
who, he had to step over people...a ruthless back stabber, like all
big Corporate Execs. He's a Conservative? Fine, that's his
right...but, a fool? or is he? Want to be a Conservative? Be a
“Republican” Conservative like Edward Brooke, a kind and decent
man (91 years old, bless him!)...but, aligning with the Tea
Party??...that's just selling your soul!! A group that includes KKK
factions, extreme Right Wing Radicals, John Birch Society,
Fundamentalist Christians, who really don't like any other Flavor
than Vanilla. This is Obscene! It's no wonder, Cain is associated
with “Uncle Tom” ...a fool, that acts as their token Black, used
by the Tea Party as they wish...and ultimately, will be caste aside.
I cannot imagine Herman Caine, side by side with Rush Limbaugh, Glenn
Beck, Ann Coulter, and the likes.
What else do you want to know, Herman?
You said; "I have received some of that vitriol simply because I
am running for the Republican nomination as a Conservative."
That's not true, Herman! Those criticisms, are not because you're a Conservative, or because you're
Black, or because some people think of you as an Uncle Tom. It's
because of your pompous attitude, as if you were above all other
Blacks. Because of the way you have Insulted the Black
Community...your race, your people!!
But, my personal feeling...the best way
I can put this, is...why so many, don't like you? It's because,
you're simply, an Asshole!