By RF Schatten
What's really funny in Politics, is
when Politicians run for office...they will always criticize the
failures of their opponents...and boast their accomplishments,
noting, how much better their achievements are, and how they can do
the same for everyone else. “Elect me, and what I have done for my constituency, I can do for you!!”
In the case of Governor Rick Perry,
known for his intent to re-write American History to fit his own
personal appears that he, is also re-writing the current
State of the State, so it would show how marvelous a job, he is
doing...building his great success in Austin.
Here is Rick Perry's “Great
Success” as Governor of the Lone Star State:
High School Graduation Rate - 50th in the Nation (79.9%
- National Avg 85.3%)EDUCATION:
College Graduation Rate - 30th in the Nation (25.5% - National Avg 27.9%)
Verbal SAT Scores - 49th in the Nation (493)
Math SAT Scores - 46th in the Nation (502)
Per Pupil Education Expenditure - 42nd in the Nation ($8,350 – National Avg $10,297)
Median Household Income - 26th
in the Nation ($48,259 – National Avg $50,221)
Poverty Rate by Household Income -
46th in the Nation (16.2% - National Avg – 12.6%)
Women’s Voter Registration
– 45th in the Nation
Women’s Voter Turnout – 49th
in the Nation
Percentage of
Non-Elderly Uninsured – 1st in the Nation
Percentage of
Low Income Population Covered by Medicaid – 49th in the
Percentage of
Population with Employer-Based Health Insurance
– 48th in the Nation
Health Expenditures as % of the Gross State Product –
43rd in the Nation
Per Capita
State Spending on Mental Health – 50th in the Nation
Per Capita
State Spending on Medicaid – 49th in the Nation
Care Expenditures per Capita – 44th in
the Nation
per Capita – 42nd in the Nation
Nurses per Capita – 44th in the Nation
Monthly Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Benefits per Person –
47th in the Nation
Percent of
Population Who Visit the Dentist – 46th in the Nation
Birth Rate – 2nd in the Nation
Birth Rate – 7th in the Nation
Births to
Unmarried Mothers – 17th in the Nation
Percentage of
Women with Pre-Term Birth – 9th in the Nation
Percentage of
Non-Elderly Women with Health Insurance – 50th
in the Nation
Rate of Women Aged 40+ Who
Receive Mammograms – 40th in the Nation
Cervical Cancer Rate – 11th
in the Nation
Percentage of Women with High
Blood Pressure – 16th in the NationPercentage of Pregnant Women Receiving Prenatal Care in First Trimester – 50th in the Nation
Percentage of Residents with Health Insurance - 50th in the Nation (76.2% - National Avg 84.9%)
Percentage of Children with Health Insurance - 50th in the Nation (83.7% - National Avg 91.4%)
Percent of Children above the Poverty Line - 44th in the Nation (75.6% - NH 1st with 89.2%)
Many of these Records reflect Healthcare, so here is other facts about Texas Healthcare...According to AMA records: In 2008, the number of physicians in patient care per 10,000 civilians was 20.2 In the United States, the average, was 25.7. Thus, Texas ranked near the bottom of the 50 states.
Perry also has talked about how many Physicians have come to Texas to Practice Medicine, because of Texas Tort Reforms. He said it gained 21,000 doctors. The accurate increase is 12,788. That’s about 8,000 doctors fewer than his claim. What he doesn't say, it's because the normal increase in the state's population. And even that figure is inaccurate, because it's just those Licenses given do not have to live in Texas to receive a State Medical's for use as a visiting Physician too. The more accurate count, based on the Texas Alliance for Patient Access is about 5,000...much less than the 21,000 listed by Perry.
Facts, like Re-writing History...could be very advantageous!!
U.S. Census Bureau reports that Texas continues to be the state with
the highest percentage of its residents without coverage, 25% last
year, compared the National 16%. It ranked 50th
in the Country in 2003...this year, Texas ranks 50th
thing that Texas ranks, among the top in the Nation...and very
proudly for the Texas GOP, is: In 2010, the average premium for
family coverage in Texas was $14,526.
The National Average was $13,375...that's
$1,151 higher than the U.S. Average.
record on Health, Education, Family Income, and Poverty are among the
lowest in the Nation...when nearly a quarter (24.4%) of the Children
of Texas live in Poverty...I would not think, that is something to be
proud of. Neither would be his record on Education, with Texas being
in the Nation with High School Graduation...and for 10 straight
years!!!...2001 – 2010.
one area, that he, all the GOP, and the Tea Party, have been raving
about...has been his Economy and Job growth. But how much of it, is totally
correct? much is what Conservatives say? While a lot said, could
be have to take into consideration the fact that most
business successes, have come in the Oil Industry, where the Industry
have been making Record Profits...and benefiting, most of all... the
Wealthy...and, as for Jobs, Texas has had the largest population
growth in the country! thus creating more Jobs...but, 90% of
those jobs created are minimum wage jobs...with no real future. For
an example of low wage jobs, you have to take a look at the Toyota
plant in San Antonio. And Texas...still has a $27 billion deficit!
more quick note...and a very interesting one, indeed. This comes from
an article I recently read on “Texas Cuts
Volunteer Fire Departments Funding By 75%”
Under Rick
Perry this year, Texas slashed state funding for
the volunteer fire departments that protect most of the state from
wildfires like the ones that have recently destroyed more than 700
homes.Volunteer departments that were already facing financial strain were slated to have their funding cut from $30 million to $7 million, according to KVUE-TV. The majority of Texas is protected by Volunteer Fire Departments. There are 879 Volunteer Fire Departments in Texas and only 114 paid Fire Departments”
this, from a man who wants to do for America, what he has done for