Jun 29, 2016

Trump's Predicament: Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

 By RF Schatten

 Donald Trump's trigger happy Twitter Trolling has gone rather silent...while continuing his Troll attacks on Clinton and Warren...the Donald is doing his hardest to ignore the question on "Abortion". It's like saying; if I don't mention it, no one will care what I think cause I'm The Donald!

Getting caught in blatant outright lies is the norm for the Trump for President Campaign, but this time truly he's between a rock and a hard place...for the first time the Trumpster is going to have to come out publicly and take a firm stance, without dismissing it or blaming Clinton, Warren, Sanders, Obama, or Muslim Terrorists!

Donald's biggest flaw? he's not a politico...and as his 'new' Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort said;  "We have a candidate who doesn’t need to figure out what’s going on in order to say what he wants to do". In other words, Trump is a Clueless human being, a bad Amateur playing in the big leagues who's never learned the 1st law in Politics 101..."remember what you say, and to whom you said it to"
When he speaks to Right Wing Conservative groups and spews his horseshit sales schpiel of being a "Born-Again Christian", and promises to nominate "Anti-Abortion Judges Only" if elected President. He better remember what he said, cause being formerly a Pro-Choice advocate, and not backing those Conservatives "Values" after the Supreme Court struck down Texas' Abortion Law...is he still favoring Women's Abortion Rights?...he better come out with the right BS answer, cause his core of support doesn't believe Women should have any rights, whatsoever!

A creepy Chauvinistic Misogynist...a man who has no morals, no scruples, and no values! A Xenophobe, except when it comes to his wives! A professional philanderer and man about town who cheats on Wife #1 with future Wife #2 and so on...believes while married, he has all the legal right to Rape his Wives!...ever since he was found not guilty of raping Ivana on his argument that there's "No Such Thing as Marital Rape"!

What values does Donald Trump have other than what's good to Donald Trump? He has openly degraded the Black Community as lazy and criminals, the Hispanic Community as rapists and drug attics, the Muslim Community as Terrorists...anyone who's Pro-Black, Pro-Latino, or ProMuslim, and now Native Americans....do not belong in a Lilly White Fascist America! He publicly mocks the Disabled, disrespects Foreign Leaders, members of his own Party, and believes the Press should not have their Freedom unless they write favorably about him? And Women?? What sector of the population does Don still has left? ahh well, Donald Trump is just a lIttle man...a little coward of a man!

A Republican Party endorsing Trump's Anti-Intellectualism and Anti-Feminism causes publicly and in its Platform?...they have absolutely nothing to offer! After eight or so years fruitlessly obstructing Obama from getting anything done...they've never spent enough time developing good fresh national political faces for the Party, one that can possibly take the White House some day! The GOP? hoping for a miracle before arriving in Cleveland.

In a year that the Abortion issue has dramatically resurfaced just months before a new President is elected...at a time when the vast majority of the United States favors Pro-Choice, the Republicans only viable threat and hope is Anti-Feminist Donald Trump?!?!
And in a year that the Democratic Party has the strongest Pro-Choice and Pro-Women candidate(s) in US Political History? The possibility of an all Female Tag Team ticket versus the Trumpster and his mystery partner...whomever the Republicans can pay-off enough to run alongside Le Grande Orange. An intriguing situation...and an old question since August 18th,1920...can a Woman ever become President (or) Vice President of the United States?

A Clinton/Warren ticket...whether it would happen or not...would be a natural rivalry! The one thing that irks Trump more than anything else on this earth is being questioned on his self-proclaimed Busines acumen and his history of infidelity, his bullying of Women...and especially in competition with women! With Clinton and Warren going at him, like no one has ever done before? Nothing gets under the Trumpster's skin more than an annoying Female telling him that even with all his money, he still basically sucks as a man...and no one more than the one-two punch of Hillary and Elizabeth could cause such devastating blow to this gynephobe egocentric's ego!   

It took Women's Suffrage 30 years or so to get the Women's Right to Vote...it looks like it's gonna take 96 years for a Woman President to show how a woman can do the job as well, or better than a man...unless that political aberration known as Don the Con, can con enough people to pull off the miracle that America...and probably Trump himself, don't want!

Donald Trump's Silence On SCOTUS Abortion Ruling Angers Conservatives

Jun 26, 2016

Donald's Concerns?...Trump's America's Concerns!

 By RF Schatten

"I respect the decision made by the people of the United Kingdom,"...that's the official political sound-byte from Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the Democratic Party. The GOP? A sort of mix reviews by Trump and anti-Trump aficionados, but the official Statement from the Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan?..."I respect the decision made by the people of the United Kingdom"! I wonder if everyone just read the same pass around script?

While real professionals from Politicos to Business to Academia are watching closely and cautiously the events transpiring between Great Britain and the European Union...and the uncertainty of the future of their economy, and that of rest of the world's...no one else on this God's earth but Donald Trump can say at a time like this; "If the pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry, frankly!!"
By the way!...Turnberry is the new Trump Golf Resort that he's currently inaugurating and doing his own PR shtick while congratulating himself for the "wonderful" facility in Scotland!

Very Presidential...isn't he? His concern for America appears non-existent while he gloats away on his newest facility  He's going to be the first President in US History to spend his entire career in office doing Ribbon Cutting Photo-ops for all his Trump enterprises!...now, that's Presidential!?!?

His heartfelt concern for the American People? It's not even on his horizon...it's more like his heartfelt concern on making a financial killing, scamming more creditors and ripping them off during another of his Bankruptcy maneuvers. "I've taken advantage of the laws of this country, like other people"....the fact: today's Average Joe will declare bankruptcy cause he's truly in financial despair is morally right to file a petition. It's an advantage the Govt. gives you to be able to start your life over again!

But a Billionaire who uses legal technical maneuvers to find ways of getting what he really wants...getting out of obligations scot free, not paying off his creditors like in Atlantic City, and writing off all his problems as a big Tax Losses. "I take advantage of the laws of this country"? Yes, he does...but loving all those uneducated people sure helps his cause and his career!

While Congress, from both sides of the aisles...and in a bi-partisan stance...believe in the concerns of the American Constituent, the presumptive Nominee of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, is enjoying his opening day festivities in Grand Style and promoting yet another "wonderful" "beautiful" and "enormous" Trump Golf Resort. Why would he worry? "If the Pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry"...and naturally, play Golf and spend a pretty penny at his "Fabulous" Resort!

"Just arrived in Scotland. The Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back"!!...ahhyup! reminds me of the saying; It's better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool...then to speak up and remove all doubts.  Le Grande Orange doesn't have to remain silent, his big fat mouth exposed this fool, long time ago!

A person, who even while exercising his right to run for a very serious and civil office as President of the United States, takes off and galavant's his way to Scotland for another ribbon cutting opening of a resort...and while there, hears the news about the Brexit Vote. Without any concern for those who he calls his constituents...or the far majority of the Country that are not...the first words out of his derrière was; the Scots took back their Country!
With all due respect to whoever taught Don the Con how to think!...Scotland voted overwhelmingly to "Remain" in the EU!...and no! they didn't "take back their Country" they're still part of Great Britain!  And this goofball says he's the smartest mind on earth with the greatest memory in the planet...and doesn't need Policies to run this Country?!?!

When you're President of the United States and you respect much more your personal self-interests ahead of the interests of a Country, just shows the "realDonaldTrump"...his huge total lack of respect for others, his indifference to anybody else except himself, his disdain for the common man...whether a Democrat or Republican or Independent, he's not your friend or your ally...unless he can use you!  A greedy little shit who doesn't want or need anybody cause he can do it all by himself...and also, keep those campaign funds all for himself, too! His paid National Campaign Staff is less than 100 people!...naturally, that's more money for The Donald!

Can Trump win the hearts and mind of the American Voters? In normal conditions, No! But this is not your normal every day National Election!...Trump can conceivably win. A split in the Republican Party usually will hurt them, but with a split brewing in the Democratic side too? Anything can happen, and with neither Party totally enamored with their presumptive candidate, both sides are talking about voting their idealistic "conscience"!

The "Conscientious Voter" got Nixon elected...thank you, Gene McCarthy! and got George W elected...thanks, Ralph Nader! A little pragmatic thinking...just a little common sense...would've been enough to stop both, Dubya and Dick Nixon...a little logic and common sense can stop the Trumpster, too! The question is; How much common sense, logic, and critical thinking does the American Electorate still have??

U.S. politicians react to Brexit vote - CBS News

Jun 21, 2016

Trump: "Making Money from Campaign Funds"

 By RF Schatten

“It’s very possible that I could be the first Presidential Candidate to run and make money on it” ~~~ Donald Trump  in 2000 Forbes Interview

No, Donald Trump wasn't kidding!...he knew 16 years ago how to pull off his greatest con, ever!...and with the GOP Convention less than a month away...the Trumpster has a knack for adding more fuel to a fire that's going to engulf Quicken Loans Arena and destroy the last vestiges of what once was a proud Grand Old Party.
The signs of a full mutiny by a dissatisfied Republican Party is in the works, 48% of the GOP wants to Dump Trump, and every day new issues arrive that makes their case for a Delegate coup d'é·tat...a much more plausible moral obligation.

How to personally profit from a political campaign you know it doesn't have much of a chance?...put on the worst possible campaign that's not gonna have a chinaman's chance of ever winning, collect big bundles of cash from your donors...then, take the money and run out of Dodge City with all the loot! Don the Con must be a big fan of "The Producers"...though the trouble was, it became a hit!

In Trump's case, his management style of the Money appropriated to him by the RNC...and by donors...is to invest those funds right back into his own personal businesses. First, his Charity Fundraiser for Veterans was a complete total faux exercise...then an embarrassing acknowledgement of his horseshit lies...about raising those $6 Million Dollars for the Vets made the Trumspter reluctantly in public, write a Check reimbursing the GIs for the money, the $6 Million that either never existed, or he spent it on one of his businesses.

Now, the poor little rich boy is running out of Campaign Funds, and needs an advance from the GOP...$1.3 Million is all he has left! Compared to Clinton who raised $27 Million in May with a War Chest of at least $42 Million before the DNC Convention even takes place! But his businesses are doing much better, thank you very much!!

$350,000 for Tag Air, Trump's Jet Planes and Helicopters. $423,372 for the use of Mar-A-Lago...his Palm Beach State that's converted into as a Private Club. Trump Restaurant $125,080 for Rent and Utilities...he has the GOP literally paying for all his own Restaurant's expenses!
More expenses for Republicans from "Crooked" Donald...Trump Towers charged $72,000 for rent and utilities for the use of Trump's Campaign Headquarters, and $35,845 Catering Republicans at Trump's Golf Course and $29,715 for rentals and catering at another Trump Golf Course. A little conflict of interest between Trump's shenanigans, his own businesses and the monetary rip-off of the Republican Party?!?!

What kind of a degenerate is willing to make money out of the very same people who are donating to help him and his cause, to move on? And this piece of work says he doesn't need the GOP to help him out and get elected?...and that he can do it all by his genius self? Not if the Republican mainstream can help it! The Ides of March are conspiring...who will deliver Brutus' slap in the back? with the message...you're fired!!

Trump has publicly stated that it's very possible to make good money from his supporters, as he runs for the Presidency...and "Makes America Great Again". Yes! there 'is' a nice big reason why Donald Trump loves poorly educated and uneducated People!

Donald Trump's Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May

Jun 17, 2016

Trump's insignificance for the 1st Amendment

 By RF Schatten

"Congress shall make no Law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the Freedom of Speech, or of the Press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" ~~ 1st Amendment, United States Constitution

Not even during the entanglements of Watergate and Washington Post's Woodward & Bernstein...not even then! did Richard Nixon ever ban the Post from reporting the News! Or any other newspaper for that matter.

Justice Louis Brandeis once wrote; "Freedom to think as you will and to speak as you think are means indispensable to the discovery and spread of Political Truth."...but Donald John Trump takes an exception to what the Supreme Court can do and how they decide cases...as "ultimate absolute
leader", which is his personal perception of the Presidency, The President of the United States will 'not allow' a Newspaper, whether a Brick & Mortar or through the Global Village's infinite resources...from reporting the News. A little Fascist Totalitarian wet dream for his ego?
Why? The Press Lies!...and you can believe me, cause you know I know everything anyone needs to know in this world!...just trust me!

Interpretation: The Trumpster goes batshit crazy when anyone criticizes anything he does or says, and especially his business acumen!...if they do, he just sends a barrage of Lawsuits at them! 3,500+ Lawsuits 'directly' involving Le Grande Orange in his adult life!...when the hell does he have the time to cheat on all his wives?!?!

This nation has had its share of Presidential "characters"...but never had this country seen such a thin-skinned egotistical transparent slime of a Demagogue, and Professional Fraud...as a major Political Leader! The "Marketplace of Ideas" metaphor, certainly does not exist in Don's enclosed little World.

I keep saying; without Freedom of the Press, there's just no Freedom of Speech!...the Press is who speaks for the public, and has the right to say and write whatever they feel is newsworthy, if it's true, and if it's not?...they've been sued in the past folks...and lost big! Newspapers have been repeatedly sued by people who didn't like what someone wrote about them, so what's the big deal? sometimes they win and sometimes they lose...so, Trump's fallacy that the Press is untouchable until he becomes President, takes over, and sets a series of Lawsuits at them all, is more horseshit out of the Horseshit King's mouth. The problem with Don The Con is he doesn't have a case to stand on in any of his Private or Public scandals.

But, denying the Press of their Right of Free Speech 'is' unconstitutional!...not even Heir Führer Drumpf has the legal right to change them! Our Forefathers did it specifically for what's happening today, as protection against another King George III reappearing from somewhere around the corner. Who would've guessed it was the Trumpster??...yea! but could George III spell "Biggly"?

When a person running for President says if he wins he'll use his Power to harass the Washington Post's Owner because the Post said nasty things about him...and plans to revoke CNN's License
cause apparently, they think he sucks? a real power hungry high-class rich schmuck...with absolutely no class of his own.
He banned reporters from the Huffington Post, Foreign Policy, Mother Jones, The Daily Beast, BuzzFeed, and Univision among others, besides the Washington Post, the Des Moines Register, and of all the Newspapers to pick? that historically heavy Republican-leaning newspaper and the rock
of New England Republicanism...New Hampshire's Manchester Union Leader!

For those who still don't understand how the News operates; Publishers since Poor Richard's Almanack till today, have always leaned heavier towards one side or the other, whether it's Knight, Cox, Hearst, Gannet, or today's Comcast, Time-Warner, Cablevision, or whoever the Publisher was or might be today....money has almost always played a role. And yes, live with it...it's a slap of reality on how our "Free World" works. Columnists Editorialize their prose either towards the Right or the
Left. But don't confuse News Reporting from Editorial Opinions. MSNBC is more about opinionated talk...NBCNews is primarily straight Reporting. So, knowing that...yes! as John Kasich said; "Trump ain't funny anymore". If he wins, will those above-mentioned Publications still be able to function with the same freedoms, Trump wants to take away?

Every Journalist, at one point or another, has heard the phrase; "Don't mess with the Press"...well, it's time for the Press to mess around and ban Donald Trump! Since he doesn't want anything to do with the press, anyway?...then, the Press should have nothing to do with him, either! If he's that big mouth superstar salesman that he always claims and brags to be? and can go at it alone as he says? and even, without the GOP's help?...then let's see how he can Make America Great Again with a total media blackout of his campaign!...without any press or media coverage, whatsoever!

The right response to Donald Trump? A media blackout. - The Washington Post

Jun 12, 2016

Dumbo's Mundo Bizarro...Chaos inside the GOP

  By RF Schatten

Welcome to Dumbo's Mundo Bizarro...yes! the Republicans are indeed in a very bizarre situation, as CNN's Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin says.

To endorse, or not to endorse...that 'is' the question the GOP's Upper Echelon are asking themselves nowadays...in between taking a couple of shots of Maalox, now and then...it's the worst of times for old school Republicans. It's pretty much the 'End' of another era for the "Party of Lincoln", as all the heights and highlights of the Grand Old Party as we know it, are becoming a distant memory.

Let's start with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and his regrettably lame endorsement of Donald Trump...Republicans got to unite behind our nominee! Lame enough?? It's hard to unify under Trump, but it's harder to separate themselves from the GOP. Elections are always about beating their archenemy, the Democrats, at any cost and for no matter the reason...as is for Democrats when they go after Republicans.
But, it's also hard to support a candidate that keeps attacking his own Party, the GOP in general...plus everyone in Congress...so, how long will these resentful supporters keep supporting him?

Supporters: The line-up for this cast of usual suspects began with another bully right from across the Hudson, Chris Christie! That, followed by a Medical "Professor" and Pioneer Brain Surgeon who makes real good money in Medicine, but claims not to believe in Medical Science? Mr. Excitement, Ben Carson! And the Witch of Silicon Valley, Ex-Hewlett Packard CEO, and another Political loser x2, Carly Fiorina!...and what Clown Show can go without the Republican's very own crowned Queen of batshit stupidity?...Sarah Palin!

But his real support ends pretty much there...Trump got another lame endorsement, this time from Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, though that appears headed in another direction...in another of the long list of un-endorsements, after the latest barrage of Trump Horseshit thrown at someone who previously endorsed him. This time, when Ryan disagreed with Trump about his "Textbook Definition of a Racist".
While the show continues; every day more talks of un-endorsements, non-endorsements, of platform fights and more...can the GOP endorse someone's run for the Presidency, and endorse a sociopath, and his platform of shutting down the Free Press, complete Absolute Power, encouragement of Mob Violence, Hate, Fear, Bigotry, and Racism? You can't say anything negative about Heir Donald, either...or he'll drive you to drink with his wrath of insults on Twitter!...and from his following, too!
And it's becoming quite clear by the day that Trump forces including his select group of White Supremacists plan to fight for their platform at any cost...and as Toobin said;  "It's going to be a lot better story than any Political Convention I have ever attended"!

The list of non-supporters? Start with Former President George W Bush, Jeb "Can Fix It" Bush and Former President George HW Bush, who's worked with Bill Clinton in Clinton's emergency relief projects.
Let's continue with the Party's last nominee, Mitt Romney...who publicly calls Trump, a Phony, a Con Artist, and a Fraud! US Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) said there's absolutely no way he will support the Trumpster. Senator Ben Sasse (NE), Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol, Former Gov. Tom Ridge, Former Florida Gov. Mel Martinez...and the most intriguing one of them all...Former NJ Governor and EPA Administrator under George W Bush, Christine Todd Whitman...she's Voting for Hillary!

The question is; will the GOP man up and battle the Trump Train? Or will they accept the Trumpster and let all the anger just be water under the bridge?
If Trump loses...besides going apeshit berserk and stark raving looney...will he start a Walkout a la Strom Thurmond & his supporters' famed Walkabout, straight out of the 1947 Democratic Convention?
A Trump Walkout? how about a GOP Walkout on Trump!?!? that would make it much more symbolic of how they feel about this "Apprentice"!...it would embarrass the hell out of Le Grande Orange and piss him off, just when he needs to be most Professional! That alone would definitely make quite a story:  A Political Party of Conservative Values, taken over by ignorantly stupid Extreme Right Wing White Nationalists trash...with their ultimate hero, Donald Trump leading them and Making 'White America', Great Again!

What's going to happen at Mundo Bizarro 2016 AKA Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland July 18th - 21st? In Toobin's words; "Beats the Hell out of Me"! It's going to be very interesting to see how the GOP and the RNC handles a super egotistical, power-hungry, and confident Trump?...and how they handle his ever-loving legion of fanatic Fascist followers? And I will continue to keep saying; the City of Cleveland deserves something way much better!

All I can say is, it could not have happened to a better and finer group of (un)concerned degenerate Politicos, and it could not have come at any better and opportune time...Ringling Brothers are retiring all their Dumbos!...isn't it about time this old White Elephant retires, too?

Jeffrey Toobin on Donald Trump and GOP - Business Insider

Jun 5, 2016

Trump's Business Model: The Sleaze of Used Car Salesmen

By RF Schatten

"I'm a fantastic businessman!...look at all my successful companies!" How about; Oops! hey! I didn't do nothing!...I'm just a Legitimate Businessman!

Successful companies? To Trump's loyal legion of morons who will excuse him from the same standards they apply to others...it's no problem to them that he's a fraud, a liar, and an obnoxious degenerate bully...they just want to hear all those wonderful words of Fear and Hate that spew out of this Demagogue's filthy mouth and mind.

He didn't just bullshit the Nation about raising all this money for his 'now' beloved Veterans...he blatantly lied, got caught, and had to write a check out for the $6 Million Dollars he never raised. His disrespect for Vets has sure changed now that he needs those Votes...this thin-skinned coward of a man, who passes himself off as a tough Macho Man sort of guy, a 'fabulous' lady's man whose women are flocking all over him, cause they're just too irresistibly attracted to his spray-tanned orange idiot looks! 
This great man like another great piece of work, Dick Cheney, has something very much in common besides being the sack of manure they both are....Trump, like Chaney, got multiple deferments from serving in Vietnam...in the Trumpster's case? Four, count them, 4 big deferments!
Ahh yup! after all that intensively tough and exhausted training in "Military School", that sets him up as an expert on all Military Affairs and Military Strategy...the Donald went to College, and like Cheney...got deferments after deferments. Finally on his last deferment, he got a 4-F for Medical Reasons...could be he's "Temperamentally Unfit" to associate with society?!?!

Warren is right! Donald Trump certainly is a Sleazy Used Car Salesman running a sleazy con game with people's lives. Trump promotes the targeting of poor people and the poorly educated and sell their shpiel of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying for the highest price possible. The con of taking your money while promising them the world of success...until they realize they've been the victims of a slick con job.

It's all one big Lie! as those who worked there said. A staff of "Professors" who turned out to be a staff of unqualified instructors, also known as phone sales professionals who used high-pressure tactics, used deceptive claims and exploited the vulnerability of the elderly and young students out of thousands of dollars. A phony corporation raking in as much as they could...and now facing counts of 1) Unfair Business Practice, 2) False Advertising in a school with no school accreditation. 3) Fraudulent Business Practice 4) Violating the Financial Elder Abuse statute...which is a crime in the Sunshine State as well as in the Golden State. And customers didn't even get a School Banner!

Of course, Trump wants a different Judge!...using the excuse of conflict of interest cause he's anti-latino, and delay his trial...hopefully, till after the Elections.

All of Trump's successes: How about the success of Trump Stakes? Nah! couldn't even get the USDA stamp of Approval...with all the lousy cuts of meats you see at the grocery store that are USDA Certified...how bad can the quality of his stakes be that USDA refused to Certify it?? Does this sound as sleazy and shady as good ol' Trump U?

How about the success all the Trump Hotels and Casinos? Ahh nope! 4 Casinos went bankrupt 4 times each...how many Casinos in the world ever lost money and go bankrupt? A reason why the State of Nevada refused to give a Gambling License to the Trump Hotel, Las Vegas...they learned their lesson from Trump's adventure in Atlantic City! And his Hotel Empire? all the Trump Hotels together, have lost $1.7 Billion Dollars in the last 15years!...going bankrupt twice on each separately in 2004 and 2009. And moreover, he personally owes between $100-$295 Million Dollars in personal loan debts to Deutch Bank in Germany!!

Success, Success...let's see one of his successes! How about Trump Wine? or Trump Restaurants? or Trump Jets? or Trump Books? or Trump Drinks?...not one of his ventures has ever succeeded. In the FEC's disclosure form, Donald Trump is listed as President and/or CEO of 515 listed entities, 268 of them...52%...contain his last name and don’t clearly reference someone else, like another Trump. And rumors still persist that he doesn't pay taxes, and just makes enough to live on all his Horseshit and Inheritance!!

Yup! when he screwed up and thanked his supporters in Nevada...he did clearly say how much he loves the Poor and "Uneducated People"!...just as much as a sleazy used car salesman out to screw the daylights of their prey. And he wants to Make America Great Again?...just like he did with all his successful businesses!!

Warren: Trump University 'was like a used car dealership' | TheHill