Jul 16, 2017

Spies, Lies, & Russian Ties: Sleeping with the Enemy

By RF Schatten

They say; If You Elect a Clown...expect a Circus!
Non-better words fit this Orange Humanoid Clown that pretends to pass himself off as President of the United States...and his Circus Atmosphere for every single event he ever participates in! From Cabinet Meetings, praising & hailing Heir Führer!... to all his Foreign Visits and Gaffes!...from his "Re-Elect" Rallies 4 years before Re-Election!...down to his ridiculously bombastic Tweets!

Irony?? Elephants were always associated with the Circus and the Republicans. Now, the "Circus" Elephant is becoming extinct...just like that White Elephant once known as the Grand Old Party.

To collaborate in a "joint" venture with Russia on a tight impenetrable Cybersecurity Unit, to protect "Americans" from Voter Fraud by the Russians?? W...T..F...!?!?
Are we all really that stupid or naive, and not realize what's really going on?? Who's fooling who??

An Administration that its primary operational policy is the systematic use of Lies...will die an ugly death!

Disclosing Voter Information? Name, Address, Date of Birth,  Social Security, Religious Affiliations, Party Affiliations, Voting History...and Felony Convictions!!
All to ensure a 'clean' & 'fair' Election and protect Americans?...ahh, right!! and with their Russkie partners-in-crime, together making sure 'who' is and 'who' is not on that Database? An "Impenetrable Cybersecurity System", one that only American GOP Hackers...and Russian Hackers...jointly, could get into!

And now, the Trump State Dept. issues 150+ Visa requests from 150+ Russians...like in; with Diplomatic Immunity? All permitted to enter this Country, travel and see whatever their schtick is all about, anywhere? ...no problem! they're just Russian Spies!!...you know? our Cybersecurity Comrades!!

While Trump demeans our US Intelligence Community, this man "Honors" and 'accepts' Vladimir Putin's "word"; that he's a totally innocent creature of God, always misunderstood by the Evil Press? (Which is why Vlad just kills them off, instead!).
Shamelessly Trash Talking our own Intelligence Community on Foreign Soil, and on the World Political Stage?...while praising and appeasing a known cold blooded killer, Vladimir Putin! and our natural Enemy...Russia?!?!
Chalk-up another World Embarrassment, which America can now thank Donald Trump, for...again! 

No President in American History has ever sold out his country!..till an Immoral Degenerate character, with the blessings of his cast of mentally deficient Minions...did it!!
Just ask them!! In Trump's Voter Friendly Nashville, they love Russians cause Trump loves them...they don't understand jacksh*t about Russian History or about their Culture or how they even tick!...but if The Donald says they're OK, when the "Wisest" Man on this Earth, tells them?? Ahhyup! At least, Nashville trusts the Russians.
"It's perfectly fine to trust the Russians"! 'That' coming from the very same people who grew up, listening to all their families, friends, and part of their tradition; to always look under your bed and make sure there's no "Commies" hiding!

A Traitor who handed over his Soul for the lure of monetary bribes...and then, proceeds to allow the hostile Electronic takeover and infiltration of the United States of America by a hostile Foreign Power!!
150 Visa Requests?? Now America can truly say they have a Commie...or, as in this case...a Russian Fascist, under every bed!
A good reason for Trump's Voter Information? A Database to find all of Trump's Enemies and those who don't pledge their Loyalty. A Database mutually shared by our new Russian Cyber-partners and Trump's phony-baloney "Distinguished" Voter Fraud Commission.

Dear America! with an Autocrat determined to Make America, Great Again into his own Image...my suggestion is you pick up a copy of "Learning Russian for Dummies", or "Rosetta Stone".
Only a Traitor would literally invite and permit another Nation to invade and undermine our Democracy, and undermine our Democratic process...our Elections...and then at the G-20 meetings, give Russia the green light to do it again?!?!

Yes! Yes! Yes! The Reality, Political Correctness, and an angry pissed-off GOP greeted Trump when he arrived from his Polish & German Tours de Farce...and they read him the Riot Act! He quickly announced the cancellation of 'his' idea (or was it Putin's?) for a joint US/Russian Cybersecurity Unit.
Like "The Wall", an Impenetrable Cybersecurity System is another of Donald Trump's games of illusion...but, he can't even fool, a fool anymore!
Yet his Fanatic Minions, who are truly a serious insult to all fools and really stupid people, around the world...will follow him right off into Oblivion.

BUT!! What if Putin and his Boy Toy could have pulled it off?? What would happen next? Would it be OK with the Trumpster's base? YES! Of course! they suspect everyone in this Planet...not Lilly White, or not Stupid...of being their Enemy, and because We, the Taxpayers will foolishly fund Right Wing Americans and Russians to mutually spy on our Nation!...on all of us!!!
Naturally, these not too astute Trumpsters don't realize they're going to fill a major portion of the Casualty List in Heir Drumpf's America!
The Continued Operability of Foreign Intelligence inside the US is a very real and very serious issue...and an extremely dangerous situation for this Country to ever be in!!!
This American Administration's continuing policy of being Russia's Apologist, appeasing them at every step of the way, and their continued massive efforts to block the Trump/Russia Criminal Investigation, is more than enough proof We, the People were sold out to Moscow, Russia!

The Fact: Trump has been a despicable and deplorable crook all his Life, the lower the bar of immorality, the more obscene his life becomes! He also has a big fat mouth, opens it way too often, and talks more through his ass than anyone on this Earth alive, today. 
The Fact: Vlad's ultimate Goal is to destabilize our Democracy and isolate America, both Financially and Militarily...and with the weakest, poorest "Leadership" in American History? Vlad never expected "The Joint Cybersecurity Project" to really be accepted by the United States! Not even a minor setback for Putin...cause, the G-20 proved he owns Trump!

The danger? Trump is a very lowly Amateur, playing with seasoned Professionals in the very serious Game of Politics...if there's any way possible for Russia to make an 'impact' in our Federal, State, and Local Governments, in our Economy and our Society...with a stooge like Trump? Vladdy would be spying his Russian ass off!...or, at least more plausible than what the Russians are already doing to us!!
Returning to normalcy after the Shocktrauma of Donald Trump's Presidency, won't be easy...but it's an attainable goal!
Though! sooner or later, if Trump isn't prosecuted and is still in office? Yes! you 'will' see deep Russian Political Influence and Money, deep inside our Government...there's no doubt at all, about that!!

America is becoming a Russian satellite, right in front of our very own eyes!...just like the 3rd World Country, we're also becoming ...cause the Immorality, Cowardice, and the unbelievable sheer Stupidity of today's Republicans have become too great!
Republicans just don't have the Cojones! or a Spine! that it takes to put their Country ahead of their Party and/or their financial $Interests$!!

What can we do?? Continue to Resist! Resist! Resist!...let your voices be heard by everyone on that Right Side of the Aisle...in their DC Offices! in their State and Home District Offices! at Town Hall Meetings!...even in front of their homes! both in DC and their Family Homes! Hit the Front Lines in the Streets, and join them! And don't stop or ever give up! don't 'ever' surrender!

Or, you can sit on your lazy derrière, wait till the GOP finally 'grows' something!...and stops the Madness of this King! 

The Trumps Embraced a Russian Plot - The New York Times