May 30, 2016

Memorial Day & Trump's Distaste for Disabled Veterans

 By RF Schatten

On this Memorial Day, as America honors and celebrates our fallen hard not to sway away from its true meaning, when every 4 years, the Political Theatrics of Presidential Elections takes front and center over the remembrance of what this day is all about.

And this year more than ever! the issue on Veterans is playing Center Stage with...aahyup! you guess it!...the Trumpster and his continuing life of a habitual lying con artist. He promised to Donate $1,000,000 dollars to Vet Charities...after more of his horseshit tales over 4 months ago that he raised over $6,000,000 for Veterans. The $6 Million Dollars? Vets say only $2.4 Million has been received and accounted for.
According to Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski, Trump "has taken a Million Dollars out of his personal account and has given it to Charities that he felt was worthy and any remaining money would be distributed before Memorial Day." The question remains; Whatever happened with the remaining $3.6 Million he said he raised?...besides his own $1 million dollar donation, because of his sudden new found love of Veterans!?!?

Is anyone really surprised about this sad whiny character, whose only true love of his life was, is, and will always be forever...himself?
In Trump's World, Veterans, like all his Hispanic Employees...have no worthy use, except for being part of his labor force. Lawsuits filed by Trump employees for discrimination and Unfair Labor Practice Laws are not unusual, like the 1300+ cases since 2000 (before that? it'll take days just finding and dusting them off) of multiple Lawsuits filed against his failed resorts and Casinos...72 Federal Lawsuits filed against the Trumpster, with buddy Sheldon Adelson being named in 11 of those suits, and buddy Steve Wynn in 20 of them...this schmuck must be an expert on the best Hot Dog Carts in front of every Courthouse in America!

And he still has another one pending...his not so scholarly University's Court Date...starts on the 1st day of the Republican Convention!

Donald Trump is a phony from the time he gets up till the time he goes to bed. But he fits the Republican mold...playing to the people's hate and fear...a man with no character who can care less about Hispanics and just as less of Veterans. Since 1991 he's been critical on not helping disabled vets in his business. He's insulted the Disabled Vets...and Veterans in general...while this degenerate hypocrite refused to go and lounged by his pool during the Vietnam War. Easy deferments courtesy of his Family's wealth and influence...wonder if he knew another chicken hawk who loves war, as long it's not him going?
Dick Cheney has a lot in common with the Donald and praises him dearly. The Donald and Dick...what a Fascist Combo of human garbage this is!

What else can you say about this whiny little bitch of a coward...who wants to control that Red Button? A Commander-in-Chief who insults his own Military! That's your Republican Standard Bearer...congratulations, GOP!!

A Bombshell Letter Exposes Donald Trump's Hated For And War On Disabled Veterans