By RF Schatten
Very amazing things are happening in Wall Street, Chicago, LA, Oakland, Detroit, Boston, and other cities around the Country...and around the Globe. I would call the Occupy Movement...The
60s all grown up. They are succeeding where they couldn't in the 60s.
Don't take me wrong! the 60s movement won their battles...but not
before so much divisiveness in the Country. They stopped the war,
the civil rights was vindicated, when LBJ signed the Civil Rights
Act...and, to an extent, the Women Rights movement won too. US
Society, as well as World Society, has been shaped, by what happened
in the 60s.
Today, all those issues are part of the
establishment's conventional wisdom. It changed the way American
Society is defined today. The Anti-Establishment, grows up...and
becomes the Establishment. All this, really brings Hope, to the Progressive and Liberal Movements in America.
We all know, what the Protests are all
about, and the reasons for it...what is amazing, the way it has
mushroomed throughout the United States, with Occupy groups in every
major city in the Country, and spreading though tiny towns in every
state. General Strikes are being planned throughout the Nation,
Unions are joining in, the Middle Class and the Poor have never
related so much, ever before...and it's not just in America...the
entire World, now has Occupy in every major City. This has become a
World Movement. All with the same significant issue...the disproportion of wealth. How 1%-2% of the wealth...controls the
98%-99% of the population. We all have the same problems, no matter
where you're from.
The Occupy Movement, will get those
changes they want, in time....but, it will not happen immediately.
Now, why are they getting the country, so much...behind them??? Two
reasons...they are not resorting to violence, as in the 60s...they are
using their heads...the violence is being perpetrated on them, this
time!!...that is one thing that has the Citizenry behind
will have the sit-ins, etc...the hard core Activists handle that. Activism in
protest, whether is the Red or the part of the process.
Second, in the 60s, the Middle Class...the Hard Hats, followed the
Drumbeat of the, that Drumbeat is going down the
Democrats' path.
To me, there is no doubt that the 60's
movement has grown up...much more organized, which is kind of funny,
since in the 60s, they where very well organized by the different
groups of those days. Today, in the Occupy Movement, there is no
central organization...everyone finds a way to get things done, with
virtually, no leadership. It truly is people from all different kinds
of lifestyles, working together, for the same goals. The best
example, was in Zuccotti Park, when they literally got on their hands
and knees, and scrubbed down with soap and water, the entire
park...its sidewalks, walkways, benches, etc. They have acted
completely responsible for every action, they've taken.
And every time, Law Enforcement gets
their little dirty hands on it, every time someone goes to jail...the
Movement doubles!! You would think, that they would just ignore it,
and let it die down. It won't...they will continue, the Police will
Activism has always been part of
demonstrations and protests. Civil Disobedience, has always been the
proper and peaceful means to fight for your cause...and now, it is
being used once again. Is it wrong for the use of Civil Disobedience?
Of course not!! It was used by Ghandhi, it was used by King, it was
used by all the 60s movements, it has been used in protests around
the world since. This process, has always been scorned by the
Right...”blame everything on the Hippies!” was their battle
cry...the dirty hippies, free love, dope!! Use the Commie or
Socialist label...that always works. Today, the Right, is beginning
to revert back to their only attack...”It's Socialism”...even FOX
News commentators are saying that the Occupy Movement is Socialist
inspired and run by socialists, trying to make America, a Socialist
Country. All the Free Sex, the Drugs, public urination...every excuse
to put the People there, down, as nobody...”go out and get a
job!!” is the cry of the Right. Some are even saying that the
movement is being run by Terrorists, and one crazy character of the
Tea Party is calling the movement, a part of Muslim Jihad, and run by
the “Muslim Brotherhood”. When you don't have positive responses
about present circumstances, always fall back to your standard
response. What the Grand Old Tea Party doesn't understand, and why so
many have started following the Movement everyday, is that...the
Socialism bit, and the Drug bit, and the free sex bit, is too
old...40-45 years too old. The truth, things are so straight, in the
up and up, that Bill Maher...went to an Occupy rally, and was not
offered some Pot: “I was totally offended” he said.
Right now, the Dems, Liberals and
Progressives, seem to have the upper hand on the whole situation. Who
is better? I don't know, I really don't...but, the GOP really needs a
leader, who will bring the Mainstream of the Party back...which has
been turned off by the Tea Party. As its stands, the GOP internally
has more problems now, than they ever had before...and if the Tea
Party manages to get control of the GOP Platform in 2012, they will
gain control of the Party...and it will mean the end, of the GOP as
we know it! Why is Obama favored by almost every Pundit, Republican
and Democrat alike? forget the polls...that doesn't mean anything
till June or July of 2012. Obama, like him or hate him...looks
Presidential and articulate, which he is...the GOP has nobody from
this collective group of characters, that can go up on him, except
Jon Huntsman...but, Huntsman is too liberal in their minds, and not
Christian Mormons are called by the Right Wing;
“Cultists”? Huntsman, is the only candidate they have, that looks
Presidential, is articulate, is a bonafide Statesman
(as former Ambassador to China), has
true moral character, and is a decent and honorable man...that's why
he is near last, in every poll taken by the goes with the
The Occupy Movement has grown up, since
the Radical 60s. Not as radical, and definitely more Prudent...and
Honorable. It has grown beyond, what anybody ever expected...and it
just keeps growing by the day...and now worldwide. This Movement
cannot be stopped, it's just...”Too Big To Fail”. Oh yes!! They
have grown up!!