May 30, 2016

Memorial Day & Trump's Distaste for Disabled Veterans

 By RF Schatten

On this Memorial Day, as America honors and celebrates our fallen hard not to sway away from its true meaning, when every 4 years, the Political Theatrics of Presidential Elections takes front and center over the remembrance of what this day is all about.

And this year more than ever! the issue on Veterans is playing Center Stage with...aahyup! you guess it!...the Trumpster and his continuing life of a habitual lying con artist. He promised to Donate $1,000,000 dollars to Vet Charities...after more of his horseshit tales over 4 months ago that he raised over $6,000,000 for Veterans. The $6 Million Dollars? Vets say only $2.4 Million has been received and accounted for.
According to Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski, Trump "has taken a Million Dollars out of his personal account and has given it to Charities that he felt was worthy and any remaining money would be distributed before Memorial Day." The question remains; Whatever happened with the remaining $3.6 Million he said he raised?...besides his own $1 million dollar donation, because of his sudden new found love of Veterans!?!?

Is anyone really surprised about this sad whiny character, whose only true love of his life was, is, and will always be forever...himself?
In Trump's World, Veterans, like all his Hispanic Employees...have no worthy use, except for being part of his labor force. Lawsuits filed by Trump employees for discrimination and Unfair Labor Practice Laws are not unusual, like the 1300+ cases since 2000 (before that? it'll take days just finding and dusting them off) of multiple Lawsuits filed against his failed resorts and Casinos...72 Federal Lawsuits filed against the Trumpster, with buddy Sheldon Adelson being named in 11 of those suits, and buddy Steve Wynn in 20 of them...this schmuck must be an expert on the best Hot Dog Carts in front of every Courthouse in America!

And he still has another one pending...his not so scholarly University's Court Date...starts on the 1st day of the Republican Convention!

Donald Trump is a phony from the time he gets up till the time he goes to bed. But he fits the Republican mold...playing to the people's hate and fear...a man with no character who can care less about Hispanics and just as less of Veterans. Since 1991 he's been critical on not helping disabled vets in his business. He's insulted the Disabled Vets...and Veterans in general...while this degenerate hypocrite refused to go and lounged by his pool during the Vietnam War. Easy deferments courtesy of his Family's wealth and influence...wonder if he knew another chicken hawk who loves war, as long it's not him going?
Dick Cheney has a lot in common with the Donald and praises him dearly. The Donald and Dick...what a Fascist Combo of human garbage this is!

What else can you say about this whiny little bitch of a coward...who wants to control that Red Button? A Commander-in-Chief who insults his own Military! That's your Republican Standard Bearer...congratulations, GOP!!

A Bombshell Letter Exposes Donald Trump's Hated For And War On Disabled Veterans

May 26, 2016

Elections, Idealism & the stark Reality of Life, revisited

 By RF Schatten

Idealism and Altruism are certainly good righteous virtues, but sometimes...sooner or later, if only for become pragmatic and understand that you can't always get what you want. Don Henley once said; "Let Hope inspire you, but let not Idealism blind you".

Every generation has their own idealistic fervor...some louder, more emotionally tense than others...and all have their heroes. My hero? Was, and will always be forever Robert Kennedy...but, my Hopes were swept away on that fateful kitchen floor of the Ambassador Hotel that night, just hours after winning the California Primary.

Many of Bobby's followers aligned themselves with Eugene McCarthy, who would end up carrying the Hopes for so many of that generation...and again, just to see that Hope fade away when McCarthy, at the request of many inside the hall, to please go outside and speak to his followers and calm things down...did not and would not! The rest of that night is history, and he didn't campaign for Humphrey, either. Humphrey lost by only 512,000 votes nationwide, that's 0.7% of the total national vote...with just a little support from the already angry Liberal Left, we might not have had to go through the Nixon Experience.
Another Candidate who contributed to a groundswell of young liberal idealists lining up behind his Independent run was Ralph Nader...his vote count in the 2000 Florida "JebCanFixIt" Election was a little over 99,000 votes...Al Gore lost by only 537 votes. It's not hard to figure the math...because of the Sunshine State Fix...for 8 years, America became permanently acquainted with the less than brilliant George W. Bush and all his exploits.

The 2016 Democrats are quickly heading in that same direction...the rabid enthusiasm of Bernie Sanders' "Brigade", just as the ones for McCarthy and Nader...are determined to Write-In Bernie's name as a moral conscience vote, or protest by staying home. But voting your moral conscience rarely if ever wins an election...and this year is not your 'normal' everyday Presidential Election...this year, coming out of the Red corner, the Dumbo's Candidate appears to be an egomaniacal degenerate rich hypocrite, who holds absolutely no values for anyone except Me, Myself, and I.

If a movement with revolutionary ideas is ever going to succeed, it will certainly not be have to nourish it slowly as you promote the value of your ideas. This is when you realize that your Anti-Establishment ideals have become the Establishment's norm. 'You' have become the establishment.
Senator Bernie Sanders has moved into a position of power to move his platform throughout registering as a Democrat, he'll be in some powerful positions in the Senate to move his agenda forward.

As for staying in the game till it's over? by all means! Bernie should stay till the very end, and pick up as many delegates as possible!...the more delegates you get, the more power you'll obtain within the DNC to pass your platform! Though his odds on attaining the nomination continues to grow, there's always that faint sign of hope! But, if he doesn't get the big prize? there's no doubt that Bernie Sanders will endorse, support, and actively campaign for Hillary Clinton if she's the nominee. He's smarter and wiser than Gene McCarthy and has more common sense than Ralph Nader. Besides, Clinton and Sanders have more in common than they disagree with...just different ways of obtaining the same results.

As the author of this Article, Darby Saxbe said: "Hillary Clinton may not be a Revolutionary, but she’ll defend Roe v. Wade, preserve Obamacare, push for reasonable Gun Laws, protect LGBTQ rights, support Parental Leave, and heed Climate Science. Trump will do None of the Above". In fact, Trump seriously believes in the "censoring" of the Free Press and shutting it down!...remember, without a Free Press...there's no Freedom of Speech!

After 50 years a Democrat, I really feel comfortable with either Hillary or Bernie...I admire and respect the political experience and strength of Hillary Clinton, and those wonderful words of wisdom from Bernie Sanders. I voted for Bernie for my personal reasons, and will vote and wholeheartedly support Hillary in November if she's the nominee!
My question is: Will the Democrats unite into that powerful synergy of forces they are so capable of being this November, and elect whatever Democrat is the Nominee? or will Trump's lack of moral conscience make him the next Dubya...with far less class?

A letter to a Bernie-or-bust voter.

May 20, 2016

Vetting Donald Trump...Deceit, Lies & Hypocrisy

 By RF Schatten

"The only thing worse than a Liar is a Liar that's also a Hypocrite" ~~ Tennessee Williams

A man who loves to know someone's deepest secrets but refuses to reveal any of his is called a first class the case of Donald Trump...a very creepy hypocrite with no class at all.

The "Vetting" of Candidates whether for President or VP, is essentially a background check procedure to check out how clean a Candidate's Closet might be before he or she is picked to lead a's to appraise, verify, or check for accuracy, for authenticity, and for the validity
of a candidate. In other words, to see if the candidate is qualified to
push that Red Button...or not!
 Yes, to find any "Bombshells" before they explode on the candidates face in front of the world. A not toon distant past example: the late Tom Eagleton's Mental Health and his Electroshock Treatments. And in today's global information superhighway? those bombshells are just a Google search away!

Master Donald doesn't want to get vetted...and he certainly doesn't want to show off his Taxes. It's not about how filthy rich this spoiled schmuck is, but about how much a horseshit artist, this horseshit artist really is. "Nobody is interested in my Tax Returns" No? reeeaally!?!?

How much worse can The Trumpster's personal life be, that he won't even allow his own Campaign Manager to vet him? How much worse than all the public scandals he's had involving his private life? A critic of Bill Clinton's infidelity, when his own libido has cost him 2 marriages and numerous spats? To the Trumpster, infidelity is a normal recurring going bankrupt every certain amount of years, and then start off fresh with a new wife!

His story? He marries a green card immigrant, just like his own mother was, and has a anchor baby just like him! and like those he wants to boot out of this country! Then he cheats on wife #1 Ivana, with wife #2 Marla...but not before Ivana takes him to court on Rape charges, where money, influence, and shyster lawyers can get you an acquittal on the argument that there's is no such thing Marital Rape! Ahhyup! the Trumpster is now legally allowed to rape the hell out of his wives as often as he wants! and they cannot complain cause raping your legal as far as Trump is concerned!
And finally, enters his latest conquest...another immigrant!...wife #3 Melania. And his immoral circus lifestyle just continues on its merry way! HL Mencken once said that Immorality is the Morality of those who are having a better time. Trump is a shining example of Mencken's own thoughts.

Background Checks for a man who publicly brags about his Misogyny and Gynephobia, and very proud of his immoral mistreatment of women? A Xenophobe who's hatred of foreigners hypocritically excuses those he does business with. And a Racist and Bigot, whose lousy treatment of employees have been recorded more than numerous times!...the Donald is your quintessential habitually lying Demagogue whose rants and love of Fascism have inspired old White Supremecists and a whole new generation of Right Wing Nut Jobs, to come out of the closet and publicly endorse, support, and even work for Le Grande Orange by making robocalls and door to door schpeils on his behalf!!

How bad can anything else be, from what the world already knows about this character? He's been a bad boy all his life, so what's new? Military Schools has been a great gathering ground for rotten rich
spoiled kids forever!...especially for parents whose kids are beyond rotten. But apparently Fred Trump's attempt in correcting his much as he tried... was a total failure. He was and he still remains beyond the beyond what a rotten human being can be. He has no ethical values or standards, no morals, and no why doesn't he reveal his Taxes?

Taxes! a very dirty word for Donald Trump! Could it be he's not worth what he brags? Could it be dirty business dealings that can get uncovered? or Could it be he doesn't pay taxes? as per the latest chit chat rumors inside the Beltway's grapevine.
In today's world, you can run for office, but you can't hide from your personal life of Lies and Deceit....he has a court date on a Class Action Lawsuit on the first day of the Convention, for defrauding Students in his failed Trump University!...another in the ever growing
list of failed Trump businesses.

Ahhyup! sooner or later you 'will' be vetted, fool! Whether by Republican pressure itself or the
Ballot Box!...either're gonna lose!

Trump's Political Advisers Wanted to Vet Him. He Said No. | Mother Jones

May 12, 2016

DéJá Vu: Trump, Romney, and Tax Returns

 By RF Schatten

Hey! I don't play by your political Etiquette and Decorum cause I'm the Donald!...and I don't play by the Rules!!

Donald Trump's Tax Plans may change from day to day and depends on who he's talking to...but when it comes to his own Tax Returns and whether he should reveal them or not? Trump doesn't play by the rules...Le Grande Orange is stealing a little of Mitt Romney's horseshit about revealing the Romney-Ryan Economic Plan...'after' they get Elected.
In the Trumpster's case? He doesn't want to 'burden the country' with ordinary things, like his Tax Returns. “There’s nothing to learn from them”!...and everyone should be satisfied with that answer cause he's Donald Trump? Hey! The Donald knows everything! believe him!?!?  He said there's way more than enough time for the public to see his Tax Returns...after he's elected President!

Bernie Sanders released his Tax Returns, so did Bill and Hillary. They released all their Returns since 1977...and they also posted the last 8 years of Returns on the Internet!...and Bernie's in there too!
So why is Trump be so adamant about releasing his own Tax Returns? Unlike Romney who had money stashed away in the Cayman Islands or the Trump's case, it's how much he really doesn't have...and being openly caught in public as the certified Fraud everyone already knows he is!

He's your quintessential Used Car Salesman who will sell you a Lemon and you think you're getting the best deal on Earth. A professional con artist that talks a big game but delivers nothing!...a businessman who makes his money by screwing others...just ask Atlantic City, NJ how much they love Trump, these days! His successes? Bankruptcy!
How about starting with 4 failed Casinos which have gone Bankrupt x4 each of them. There is a reason why Las Vegas, NV will not give Trump a Gambling License for his empty Trump Hotel! And how about Trump Steaks that were condemned by the Dept of Agriculture? or his so called fabulous Trump University?...a class-action Lawsuit hearing against Trump University for defrauding people up to $35,000 starts on the 1st Day of the GOP Convention. Donald Trump doesn't own a business that he hasn't already destroyed, and the list is just too long to write it all down at this time.

I bet that Donald's next Economic Policy Plan and Speech will probably resemble a tad bit like Ryan's!...with absolutely no understand of running a Government, why wouldn't Trump use parts of his new buddy, Paul Ryan's, Economic Plan and his advice on Taxes? At least, he will look and sound a little more intelligent on what he's talking about...even if he doesn't understand a damn thing.

Now, the time during Election season when the nomination is virtually assured...Trump's allegiance to his 1% and Ryan followers is taking center stage...and all Republicans are to unite behind this schmuck?
He's Rich and Famous and his dysfunctional flock of supporters will back him till hell freezes over...even if they know, they won't receive a single benefit from voting for him. Stupid is as Stupid does with this group of fanatical foul mouth racists and bigots that call themselves Trump Supporters.  

You can call him funny, a fresh view of politics, you can associate with his Demagoguery, and say he's the right man for America...but Donald Trump doesn't respect anyone but Donald Trump.

He represents the suppression of the Upward Mobility of this nation, by overly greedy Oligarchs...while exploiting the natural ignorance of their devoted followers for their own personal gains and self-gratification. An indecent degenerate man who demands to see Proof of people's Birth, but refuses to show proof that he's as rich as he boisterously brags about!

And people believe Donald Trump is going to "Make America Great Again"?? Well, how about just trying to make Atlantic City great again!!

Donald Trump Says He Won't Release Tax Returns

May 5, 2016

Rude, Crude, and Lewd...the GOP's Identity Crisis

 By RF Schatten

Rude, Crude, and Lewd...and they say the GOP  is fighting an Identity Crisis!?!?

The Republican Dumbo has truly become that White Elephant...with its extinction estimated on or about July 18th - 26th. in Cleveland, Ohio.
The new 'regime' of Heir Donald the Conceited will begin to take control of the GOP and rapidly change the philosophy and soul of a Moderate to Conservative Political Party, to all extreme forms of the Far Right Wing's philosophy, with just the right amount of Fascism thrown in!

Here you have the presumptive standard bearer...the man voted by the Republican's rank and file to lead them to victory in November and become the most powerful man in the, in his own little Misogynous and the Xenophobic world, and sprinkled with a lot of Hate, Fear, and Racism!

Eric Erickson, Conservative host and founder of RedState said; “Twenty years ago Republicans supported impeaching the President of the United States for lying under oath in office and having an affair in the Oval Office,”... “Now that same party is on the verge of nominating a Serial Philanderer and Pathological Liar. At the very least the GOP owes Bill Clinton an apology.” He continued; “Bigger problem begins with Republicans now losing any sense of shame and surrendering to their lesser angels in the name of unity around a man unfit for Presidency".

The Republican Party has become a sore talking point for Vulgarity, Shamelessness, Immorality, Indecency, Hypocritical Liars, and most of all Degenerates...with absolutely no substance or credibility on any or all political issues! The GOP's Clown Show has become a standout comedy routine...both the 2012 and 2016 editions continue to be the best reality show seen around the world!
And this year's embarrassment of the ages...the least qualified human to ever run for President of the United States of America...the world is watching and laughing, watching the incredible ignorance and sheer stupidity of an electorate in a modern society, destined to board that Ship of Fools.

Chaos, a word associated more with the Democratic Party, than the excessively proper conservative GOP...has moved across to the Right side of the aisles! Reince Priebus and the their own hypocrite ways had been publically trying to set up ways to impede Trump's, with reality settling into the Grand Old Party that Trump is going to be their eventual standard bearer, the sermon according to Reince is; Unity! uniting behind Trump!

Yea, sure! the nominee Trump has called the Dumbos every name in the book, even threatening them (like he does with everyone else), if he doesn't get the nomination...then you have the  fighting and disorder caused by his followers (with his baiting and blessings) to those who don't agree with Heir all but a common thing in today's Republican Trumpism!

A score of GOP House members running for re-election are trying to stay a good long distance away from Trump, and treating him like the Plague. In the Senate? much the same...and their fear of losing the Senate, is much more important to them than the self-egotistical Trumpster and his new found friends, the American Neo-Nazis and the KuKluxKlan, both giving Trump their grand Endorsement and full support. It's that "Full Support" that makes you wonder!

And you really expect total unity? which is the only way they stand any chance? A good portion of them say they would rather put up with 4 more years of Obama, who they hate with a passion than be associated directly or indirectly in any way, shape, or form...or even seen...with Trump! Then, there's those Republicans who have stated they will vote for Hillary if Le Grande Orange becomes the GOP Nominee.

The Republican Party has brought all this up, themselves! The old Republican Cocktail Party crowd gave the Tea Party crowd, an invitation to consolidate with them...since then, old line Dumbos have fallen along the way in favor of the new Tea drinkers...and finally coming out of that marriage? their own demise.
The $64k Question: Who will lower their standards low enough...especially after the GOP's Primary follies, and the all the dirt that was thrown across the room...and agree to be the Trumpster's VP?

Donald Trump was right...he loves all those poor and  "Uneducated People", cause those precise uneducated people are his primary supporters! 

Trump’s improbable coup leaves Republican Party in an identity crisis - The Washington Post