By RF Schatten
"Before a man speaks it is always safe to assume that he is a Fool. After he speaks, it is seldom necessary to assume it" ~~~ H.L. Mencken
Hey! Donald Trump knows as much about Foreign Policy, as he knows about the Military through all his "experiences" in Military School...yea! he wore a uniform and marched around the school...and he says that he gained more experience and knowledge about the subject of Military Science than any of the actual G.I.s deployed overseas today!
With 5 Military Deferments?...ahhyup! he sure learned a lot on how to BS people around...but not necessarily about Military Affairs!
This man actually suggested nuking Western Europe!...yes! Western Europe, folks! target Terrorists! And naturally Vladimir Putin loved that idea! "Donald Trump is an outstanding leader"!...if you're Putin, wouldn't you want Trump to win, too? Nuke one of our allies and you'll have a couple thousand ICBMs on their way from every part of the world, running "Hot" and aimed at NORAD and every other major military installation in the continental United States. Look! his constituency wants Armageddon to happen now! lets bomb Europe!
Bet Crazy Ivan can't wait to deal with this character, and the Trumpster really and truly believes he can BS his way around Vlad?
In his speech, he wants to return the US to the 'Peace through Strength' Philosophy of the Cold War! Listen, what can I say! he likes to build "Walls" between people...then, you'll hear the cries and echoes of 'tear down that wall, Mr. Trump'!
Japan and South Korea should develop Nuclear Weapons? as if there wasn't enough Countries around with Nukes to obliterate this Earth, now?!?!
Nukes in South Korea?...sure! just the bait to infuriate that Loony Tune who is way too crazy enough to start a war if justifiably threatened...much more than Daddy and about the same as Grandpa ever was!
And then having the gall in suggesting that Japan, with all their history and tragedy...get Nukes? That suggestion is an insult to all the Ignorant and Foolish People in the world...and even more, a disrespectful insult to a Japanese population who vowed at the 70th Anniversary of the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to continue their commitment to a "Nuclear Free Japan".
A Foreign Policy Speech, told by a glorified used car salesman, signifying absolutely nothing except pushing to sell you his glorious product...himself! Criticizing Obama's Foreign Policies for not getting the Olympics? Oh, yea! Benghazi too!
Just when everyone in the GOP was trying to put Benghazi and that subject in the political back-burner, since the committee's cost and lack of evidence became a joke and a financial embarrassment to the Grand Old Party.
By his Speech and complete lack of knowledge on Foreign Affairs, it's obvious that The Donald is the most unqualified political candidate in this Nation's history...even Sarah Palin with her relatively small political governing experience looks like a Scholar compared to Trump...a dumb stupid scholar. And this is the best the Republican Party has to offer??
The absolute best description of Trump's failed exercise in public speaking came from Jason Easley of PoliticusUSA, who wrote; "Donald Trump’s major Foreign Policy speech was riddled with Lies, Inconsistencies, Fox News Talking Points, Conspiracy Theories, and hit a Level of Stupidity that had previously only been seen in work of Sarah Palin"
Maybe the hockey mom can persuade Trump to use her brilliance, and have her get picked as his VP. What a show from now till Convention time in Cleveland!...Sarah and the Trumpster versus Cruz and Carly "The Witch" Fiorina! Oy Vey!
In Foreign Policy Speech, @realDonaldTrump Comes Through Despite Efforts To Appear Presidential | Foreign Policy
Apr 28, 2016
Apr 24, 2016
Perceptions of Reality Kills the Argument
By RF Schatten
"One of the perils of journalism is the human brain’s penchant for sorting information into narratives. Even false narratives can take on a life of their own because there is always information arriving that can confirm a narrative" ~~~ Nicholas Kristof
There's not that much argument it pretty much started with the Conservative Right's distaste for the Clinton name and the continuous 'narratives' thrown by the Right into the public's perception of the next Clinton...Hillary Rodham Clinton. Much like the "Kennedy" name, for Republicans, "Clinton" is the new "Kennedy"
Is Hillary Clinton Dishonest? to Clinton haters she is and forever will be. But to Clinton supporters she's not! The argument will never change...whether they dislike her cause she stood by her man, old Slick Bill, or because her Public Political positions.
Does she take contributions from Big $$$? Sure she does!...and Bernie may not, and I highly respect his Idealistic spirit...but as long as that gross amount of Money used to Finance Campaigns now days, is not finally stopped, Republicans will continue to use as much as it takes to win elections. You want to win? need to be pragmatic and understand how to play the game of politics.
I'm totally against the whole idea of money financing a Politico's career, but taking the moral High Road is not going to win you too many elections...when you're playing with the Devil, you got to play fire with fire!!!
"Reality doesn't bite, rather our Perception of Reality bites" ~~~ Anthony J. D'Angelo
So the question remains; Is Hillary Clinton Dishonest? According to PolitiFact, she's Truthful or mostly truthful 50% of the time. Bernie Sanders is truthful or mostly truthful 49% of the time...then compared to John Kasich at 52%...and finally it goes way! way! downhill to Ted Cruz at 22%, and last but not least, Le Grande Orange himself, the Trumpster at an incredible 9%!! Ahhyup! Trump lies 91% of the time!...and the Trump supporters love him for it!!
The perception of dishonesty appears in many politicos, but again, it's just a perception! As Kristof say's in his Article; Jill Abramson, who spent decades as a journalist either investigating Clinton or overseeing investigations of her, and who certainly isn’t soft on the Clintons, concluded in The Guardian: “Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest and trustworthy.”
"I shall argue that strong men, conversely, know when to Compromise and that All Principles can be compromised to serve a Greater Principle" ~~~ Andrew Carnegie
Then there's the perception that Bernie and Hillary will never agree and if Bernie loses, all his supporters will idealistically sit it out. Even Bernie, will 'compromise' to serve a much greater principle.
Talks of Party Unity are coming out loud from both camps...and expect the VP to be a Bernie supporter! with Bernie getting his plank or planks adopted by the DNC's Platform Committee, and becoming a much bigger player in the Senate with much more power, once he returns as a "Democrat" as expected.
Yes! Hillary and Bernie are in pre-convention discussions...and it shouldn't surprise anyone how much more they have in common than not. Too long of a list to write, so check and compare their stance head to head on all the numerous issues, and see for yourself on what...and on how they's not really much!.
What's the real difference between Hillary and Bernie? It's how you perceive things. You can say that Hillary is the Pragmatic version of Bernie's Idealism...they agree on 'almost' every issue, except they each have their own very unique and different way of achieving their goals.
The one name that keeps popping up on Clinton's "short list" of VPs is a big Bernie supporter from Beantown...Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the #1 Anti-Wall Street US Senator in the Country. And the media will play the story till Hell freezes over. Yes! the all-female "Dream Team" of Clinton/Warren.
Imagine a Clinton/Warren ticket vs the misogynistic Donald Trump and a Republican anti-women Platform...with those two ladies? The Donald's hair will not stay that color for long!...yes! with Hillary as Prez, and Elizabeth as VP? Start passing the Valium and Pepto Bismal to Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican Senate!
Is Hillary Clinton Dishonest? - The New York Times
"One of the perils of journalism is the human brain’s penchant for sorting information into narratives. Even false narratives can take on a life of their own because there is always information arriving that can confirm a narrative" ~~~ Nicholas Kristof
There's not that much argument it pretty much started with the Conservative Right's distaste for the Clinton name and the continuous 'narratives' thrown by the Right into the public's perception of the next Clinton...Hillary Rodham Clinton. Much like the "Kennedy" name, for Republicans, "Clinton" is the new "Kennedy"
Is Hillary Clinton Dishonest? to Clinton haters she is and forever will be. But to Clinton supporters she's not! The argument will never change...whether they dislike her cause she stood by her man, old Slick Bill, or because her Public Political positions.
Does she take contributions from Big $$$? Sure she does!...and Bernie may not, and I highly respect his Idealistic spirit...but as long as that gross amount of Money used to Finance Campaigns now days, is not finally stopped, Republicans will continue to use as much as it takes to win elections. You want to win? need to be pragmatic and understand how to play the game of politics.
I'm totally against the whole idea of money financing a Politico's career, but taking the moral High Road is not going to win you too many elections...when you're playing with the Devil, you got to play fire with fire!!!
"Reality doesn't bite, rather our Perception of Reality bites" ~~~ Anthony J. D'Angelo
So the question remains; Is Hillary Clinton Dishonest? According to PolitiFact, she's Truthful or mostly truthful 50% of the time. Bernie Sanders is truthful or mostly truthful 49% of the time...then compared to John Kasich at 52%...and finally it goes way! way! downhill to Ted Cruz at 22%, and last but not least, Le Grande Orange himself, the Trumpster at an incredible 9%!! Ahhyup! Trump lies 91% of the time!...and the Trump supporters love him for it!!
The perception of dishonesty appears in many politicos, but again, it's just a perception! As Kristof say's in his Article; Jill Abramson, who spent decades as a journalist either investigating Clinton or overseeing investigations of her, and who certainly isn’t soft on the Clintons, concluded in The Guardian: “Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest and trustworthy.”
"I shall argue that strong men, conversely, know when to Compromise and that All Principles can be compromised to serve a Greater Principle" ~~~ Andrew Carnegie
Then there's the perception that Bernie and Hillary will never agree and if Bernie loses, all his supporters will idealistically sit it out. Even Bernie, will 'compromise' to serve a much greater principle.
Talks of Party Unity are coming out loud from both camps...and expect the VP to be a Bernie supporter! with Bernie getting his plank or planks adopted by the DNC's Platform Committee, and becoming a much bigger player in the Senate with much more power, once he returns as a "Democrat" as expected.
Yes! Hillary and Bernie are in pre-convention discussions...and it shouldn't surprise anyone how much more they have in common than not. Too long of a list to write, so check and compare their stance head to head on all the numerous issues, and see for yourself on what...and on how they's not really much!.
What's the real difference between Hillary and Bernie? It's how you perceive things. You can say that Hillary is the Pragmatic version of Bernie's Idealism...they agree on 'almost' every issue, except they each have their own very unique and different way of achieving their goals.
The one name that keeps popping up on Clinton's "short list" of VPs is a big Bernie supporter from Beantown...Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the #1 Anti-Wall Street US Senator in the Country. And the media will play the story till Hell freezes over. Yes! the all-female "Dream Team" of Clinton/Warren.
Imagine a Clinton/Warren ticket vs the misogynistic Donald Trump and a Republican anti-women Platform...with those two ladies? The Donald's hair will not stay that color for long!...yes! with Hillary as Prez, and Elizabeth as VP? Start passing the Valium and Pepto Bismal to Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican Senate!
Is Hillary Clinton Dishonest? - The New York Times
Apr 17, 2016
Republican Civil War: Donald Trump vs the RNC
By RF Schatten
"Out of Chaos, comes Order". Nietzsche must be rolling in his grave...probably never expected a 'Reverse Theory' of his thoughts. In today's Party of Dumbo, out of traditional Republican Conservative Order...comes Chaos.
Does anyone expect anything less from this batshit group of clowns? It's been a Political Freakshow from Day 1...and lead by the biggest Freak to hit the American Political Theater ever!
Donald Trump has manipulated the coverage by the Press, insulted and disrespected all the Candidates on both sides, and even Foreign Countries!...and tries to continually intimidate the Republican Party in getting everything he wants, ever since he announced his candidacy as a Republican.
Now, Reince Priebus...after a talk with "The Donald"...laid down the Rules, and they're not going to be changed for Trump! So, if Donald is going to get his way? he might as well declare War on the GOP...and, so he did!
First, warning the GOP that if he doesn't get the nomination, "there's going to be Riots in
Cleveland" warning them that if they don't change the rules (to
his liking), "It's going to be a 'Rough' July Convention"!
In the words of "The Mick"; 'You can't always get what you want'!! No Donny Boy! if you want to play gonna have to play by 'their' Rules, not yours...this is not your playground and you don't own it! And if you don't want to play by their rules, you can always quit and go home!...I don't believe anyone in the GOP is going to shed a tear, if
you do so.
Everyone is complaining that the Rules are both Political Parties! The reality? no, they're not...there's not much difference today than other years. Reince Priebus said; “Each individual State determines how they’re going to allocate their Delegates. So, it’s up to the Campaigns to 'know the Rules' and compete in each of those States within the Rules.”
It's pretty much the same in the Democratic Party. Know the Rules in every state, work inside each Local & State Party Committee, attend meetings, organize and build up within the local Community, and become a Party Activist...and you can't file lawsuits just cause people don't agree with you! Why do you think it takes a good 3-4 years to prepare for a run in a National Election?
The Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio from July 18th to the 21st, is going to replace Ringling Bros/Barnum & Bailey as the Greatest Show on Earth! Their old Clown Car just can't compete with the fame of the GOP's Clown Car...and with all due
respect to the great Emmett Kelly...the GOP Cast of Political Clowns who call themselves "Contenders", are more hilarious than a thousand clowns.
You can even get the Popcorn and Peanuts, sit in front of the TV, and watch and laugh to your heart's content!
People watch certain sports for the Blood, that Car Wreck, to see someone get smashed to bits like in the MMA. Political Conventions are fairly tame to what they once were...such as the Walk-out by Strom Thurman and the Dixiecrats in 1948, and the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago!...but Cleveland? is going to be a doozy!
The hope for most viewers is to see Trump and Cruz finally unable to take it anymore, just slug it out and destroy the hell out of each other...and the Winner gets the nomination!
It's just too bad the Secret Service spoiled people's expectation of seeing a true Western Gunfight, by not allowing all these Buckaroos to open-carry inside the Convention. And to our shame! the entire world just keeps watching!
Donald Trump Tells RNC: Reform Rules Or Face 'Rough' July Convention
"Out of Chaos, comes Order". Nietzsche must be rolling in his grave...probably never expected a 'Reverse Theory' of his thoughts. In today's Party of Dumbo, out of traditional Republican Conservative Order...comes Chaos.
Does anyone expect anything less from this batshit group of clowns? It's been a Political Freakshow from Day 1...and lead by the biggest Freak to hit the American Political Theater ever!
Donald Trump has manipulated the coverage by the Press, insulted and disrespected all the Candidates on both sides, and even Foreign Countries!...and tries to continually intimidate the Republican Party in getting everything he wants, ever since he announced his candidacy as a Republican.
Now, Reince Priebus...after a talk with "The Donald"...laid down the Rules, and they're not going to be changed for Trump! So, if Donald is going to get his way? he might as well declare War on the GOP...and, so he did!
First, warning the GOP that if he doesn't get the nomination, "there's going to be Riots in
Cleveland" warning them that if they don't change the rules (to
his liking), "It's going to be a 'Rough' July Convention"!
In the words of "The Mick"; 'You can't always get what you want'!! No Donny Boy! if you want to play gonna have to play by 'their' Rules, not yours...this is not your playground and you don't own it! And if you don't want to play by their rules, you can always quit and go home!...I don't believe anyone in the GOP is going to shed a tear, if
you do so.
Everyone is complaining that the Rules are both Political Parties! The reality? no, they're not...there's not much difference today than other years. Reince Priebus said; “Each individual State determines how they’re going to allocate their Delegates. So, it’s up to the Campaigns to 'know the Rules' and compete in each of those States within the Rules.”
It's pretty much the same in the Democratic Party. Know the Rules in every state, work inside each Local & State Party Committee, attend meetings, organize and build up within the local Community, and become a Party Activist...and you can't file lawsuits just cause people don't agree with you! Why do you think it takes a good 3-4 years to prepare for a run in a National Election?
The Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio from July 18th to the 21st, is going to replace Ringling Bros/Barnum & Bailey as the Greatest Show on Earth! Their old Clown Car just can't compete with the fame of the GOP's Clown Car...and with all due
respect to the great Emmett Kelly...the GOP Cast of Political Clowns who call themselves "Contenders", are more hilarious than a thousand clowns.
You can even get the Popcorn and Peanuts, sit in front of the TV, and watch and laugh to your heart's content!
People watch certain sports for the Blood, that Car Wreck, to see someone get smashed to bits like in the MMA. Political Conventions are fairly tame to what they once were...such as the Walk-out by Strom Thurman and the Dixiecrats in 1948, and the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago!...but Cleveland? is going to be a doozy!
The hope for most viewers is to see Trump and Cruz finally unable to take it anymore, just slug it out and destroy the hell out of each other...and the Winner gets the nomination!
It's just too bad the Secret Service spoiled people's expectation of seeing a true Western Gunfight, by not allowing all these Buckaroos to open-carry inside the Convention. And to our shame! the entire world just keeps watching!
Donald Trump Tells RNC: Reform Rules Or Face 'Rough' July Convention
Apr 14, 2016
GOP Theatrics...Ted Cruz: "Stimulating One's Genitals"
By RF Schatten
The Grand Old Party's continuing exercise in Political Burlesque has now moved on from Tits and Asses...and the size of one's Hand compared to the size of their Dildos and the Stimulation of One's Genitalia! Ahhyup! Good old reliable Masturbation...Ted, just will not go quietly into the night!
"There is no substantive due-process Right to stimulate one's genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship" ?!?!WTF?!?! The progression of our current crop of Republican candidates have taken the direction of this Election, as Charles P Pierce says; right into the gutter. They have replaced issues such as the Economy and Foreign Policy, with talking points such as who has the hottest wife to comparing each others' protruding part size!
How did this story came out? Politicos should know better by one is safe with Social Media lurking into public records these days...just Google it! Apparently, as Solicitor General in Texas, Ted Cruz prosecuted a case defending a State Law criminalizing the sale of Dildos and other Sex Devices or Toys.
Stores in Austin, Texas that were selling sexual devices and sex toys and another retail distributor, challenged a Texas Law outlawing the 'sale and promotion of supposedly "obscene" devices'. Their case's argument? The state law violated the right to privacy under the 14th Amendment...that many people in Texas used Sexual Devices as an aspect of their sexual experiences. A Federal Judge ruled that the sale of "Sex Toys" was not protected by the Constitution.
In 2007 Cruz filed a 76 page Brief calling on the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit to uphold the Lower Court's decision and permit the Law to stand. He lost that horseshit argument when the Court ruled that government did not have a legitimate role to play in "discouraging prurient interests in autonomous sex and the pursuit of sexual gratification unrelated to procreation"...the Government just doesn't have a right to control the morals or sex habits of anyone! They don't have the right to tell you what to buy, what to wear, or what to do...or how to do it!!
Which takes us to that part of the argument made by Raphael Edward Cruz; 'No substantive due-process right to stimulate one's genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship'. In other words...the belief that the Act of Masturbation should be outlawed! Uh-huh!...Reeeally, Ted!
Sooner or later the Trumpster is going to get out his sound-bytes on this idiotic issue...better than talking real Politics during this Presidential cycle! Neither of them know anything serious to talk about...since, they're on the losing end in every issue with the rest of this Country.
All the GOP can do at this stage of the game, is to keep this show running till convention time and hope everyone gets out alive and well when it's all over in Cleveland, and just hope for the best. I said it before, and I'll say it again; Cleveland deserves better!
Using "Masturbation" as a Political issue by spewing his Fundamentally Religious undertones into today's Political Theatrics. Only closet-minded degenerates would push the Bible to condemn whatever they want to consider immoral to further their own political ambitions...and with the self-proclaimed Messiah of the Masses telling you know he can't be wrong!
It's a pissing contest to determine which one of them can't be wrong, cause both Trump and their own admission...know everything! just ask their followings! Heir Trumpf has all the Batshit Fascists of America, and the Messiah has Fundamental Christian America and its Batshit Flock of followers. After a daily diet of Tea flavored Kool-Aid, their beloved supporters will believe anything they are told.
"Ted Cruz thinks people don't have a right to "stimulate their genitals." I was his college roommate. This would be a new belief of his." ~~~ Craig Mazin
First, all the allegations about the swarm of mistresses this wholesome moral human being has or had...could they be true? For a real shock impact? Yes! The reality? maybe, not all of them. But not stimulating one's genitals cause the Bible says it's immoral?
Oh, come on Ted! you're a grown man with a Wife, 2 Kids, and a couple of Mistresses...and you're against Masturbation cause is sinful? Sure, pal!
If Stimulating One's Genitals is considered illegal, a crime under President Cruz, how would they catch a perpetrator? I guess you have to get used to whacking off fast!
And these every sense of the word... are the GOP's Best and the Brightest? Stimulate your Genitals...maybe you can fantasize enough to believe that!
Ted Cruz Thoughts on "Stimulating One's Genitals" - Masturbation
The Grand Old Party's continuing exercise in Political Burlesque has now moved on from Tits and Asses...and the size of one's Hand compared to the size of their Dildos and the Stimulation of One's Genitalia! Ahhyup! Good old reliable Masturbation...Ted, just will not go quietly into the night!
"There is no substantive due-process Right to stimulate one's genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship" ?!?!WTF?!?! The progression of our current crop of Republican candidates have taken the direction of this Election, as Charles P Pierce says; right into the gutter. They have replaced issues such as the Economy and Foreign Policy, with talking points such as who has the hottest wife to comparing each others' protruding part size!
How did this story came out? Politicos should know better by one is safe with Social Media lurking into public records these days...just Google it! Apparently, as Solicitor General in Texas, Ted Cruz prosecuted a case defending a State Law criminalizing the sale of Dildos and other Sex Devices or Toys.
Stores in Austin, Texas that were selling sexual devices and sex toys and another retail distributor, challenged a Texas Law outlawing the 'sale and promotion of supposedly "obscene" devices'. Their case's argument? The state law violated the right to privacy under the 14th Amendment...that many people in Texas used Sexual Devices as an aspect of their sexual experiences. A Federal Judge ruled that the sale of "Sex Toys" was not protected by the Constitution.
In 2007 Cruz filed a 76 page Brief calling on the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit to uphold the Lower Court's decision and permit the Law to stand. He lost that horseshit argument when the Court ruled that government did not have a legitimate role to play in "discouraging prurient interests in autonomous sex and the pursuit of sexual gratification unrelated to procreation"...the Government just doesn't have a right to control the morals or sex habits of anyone! They don't have the right to tell you what to buy, what to wear, or what to do...or how to do it!!
Which takes us to that part of the argument made by Raphael Edward Cruz; 'No substantive due-process right to stimulate one's genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship'. In other words...the belief that the Act of Masturbation should be outlawed! Uh-huh!...Reeeally, Ted!
Sooner or later the Trumpster is going to get out his sound-bytes on this idiotic issue...better than talking real Politics during this Presidential cycle! Neither of them know anything serious to talk about...since, they're on the losing end in every issue with the rest of this Country.
All the GOP can do at this stage of the game, is to keep this show running till convention time and hope everyone gets out alive and well when it's all over in Cleveland, and just hope for the best. I said it before, and I'll say it again; Cleveland deserves better!
Using "Masturbation" as a Political issue by spewing his Fundamentally Religious undertones into today's Political Theatrics. Only closet-minded degenerates would push the Bible to condemn whatever they want to consider immoral to further their own political ambitions...and with the self-proclaimed Messiah of the Masses telling you know he can't be wrong!
It's a pissing contest to determine which one of them can't be wrong, cause both Trump and their own admission...know everything! just ask their followings! Heir Trumpf has all the Batshit Fascists of America, and the Messiah has Fundamental Christian America and its Batshit Flock of followers. After a daily diet of Tea flavored Kool-Aid, their beloved supporters will believe anything they are told.
"Ted Cruz thinks people don't have a right to "stimulate their genitals." I was his college roommate. This would be a new belief of his." ~~~ Craig Mazin
First, all the allegations about the swarm of mistresses this wholesome moral human being has or had...could they be true? For a real shock impact? Yes! The reality? maybe, not all of them. But not stimulating one's genitals cause the Bible says it's immoral?
Oh, come on Ted! you're a grown man with a Wife, 2 Kids, and a couple of Mistresses...and you're against Masturbation cause is sinful? Sure, pal!
If Stimulating One's Genitals is considered illegal, a crime under President Cruz, how would they catch a perpetrator? I guess you have to get used to whacking off fast!
And these every sense of the word... are the GOP's Best and the Brightest? Stimulate your Genitals...maybe you can fantasize enough to believe that!
Ted Cruz Thoughts on "Stimulating One's Genitals" - Masturbation
Apr 7, 2016
Who's Politicizing Who?...The Politicization of SCOTUS
By RF Schatten
"If there is a nuclear tactic being used here, I submit it is the use of that Obstruction where a willful minority blocks a bipartisan majority from voting on the President's Judicial Nominees" ~~~ Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX)
First, it was that America should wait till after the Elections, so a mandate of the people can decide the next President's choice for the Highest Court in the land...that horseshit, about a non-existent rule that's against confirming Supreme Court Appointments of “lame-duck” presidents...did not sell too well with the rest of the Party! Or did the Chairman of the US Senate "Judiciary" Committee tend to forget the Law, and the US Constitution?
That Ship of Fools that disguises itself as the once proud Grand Old Party...which bleeds for that Red White and Blue Patriotism, for our Forefathers, and the US sinking faster than the Titanic!
Maybe Chuck Grassley just didn't read Article II Section 2 of US Constitution?...that states: "The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session". There has been 10 Recess Appointments made in US History...only George Washington's appointment of John Rutledge was later Rejected by the Senate.
The last four appointments were made in the 20th Century; Oliver Wendell Holmes by Franklin Roosevelt...and Chief Justice Earl Warren, William Brennan, and Potter Stewart...all by a Republican named Eisenhower! So, it's not's not "Obama" and the Democrats that wrote that Constitutional Article and that Section, so live with it.
But, Republican Obstruction to Barack Obama has to continue till their last dying breadth, this Political Burlesque staged by the GOP doesn't have a happy ending, it'll cost them a few Senate careers and more than a few US House careers...and put them in a very dangerous position of loosing their Majority!
Will the Republicans risk those type of loses just to remain stupid and hateful?...and keep obstructing Barack? bet! And in an Election cycle, at that!
Personally, it's too late in the game to change strategies...and with an almost assured volatile Convention coming up in Cleveland? The mutually assured destruction of the Grand Old Party as they crash and burn, live on TV and Internet Streaming around the world!...too bad they can't carry their six-shooters inside...what a show would that had been!?!?
Now that the "Lame Duck" excuse for obstructing the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland fizzled, or even the "Blame it on Obama" shtick!...what on earth is going to be their next excuse? and who is Grassley going to blame for his miserable failure? Chief Justice John Roberts!! Yes! George Dubya's own John Roberts!
Why John Roberts? Somebody has to take the blame for the delay, cause Chuck Grassley just doesn't have the cojones to take responsibility...he's the "Chairman" and it's his committee, but continues to use the Republican blame game...never them. Now it's Robert's turn to be at fault for the "Politicization of the Supreme Court", "Physician, heal thyself"...good 'ol John Roberts is now Politicizing SCOTUS? "Politicizing" it like Bush v Gore? or maybe like Citizens United v Federal Elections Commission? Of course, to Republicans...oh no! 'that' was not Political!
As Harry Reid said about Grassley and the GOP; “What needs mending is the Judiciary Committee under his Chairmanship, which he has annexed as a political arm of the Republican Leader’s office"...Grassley has "Sacrificed the historical independence of the Judiciary Committee in order to do the bidding of the Tea Party and the Koch Brothers.” That sacrifice appears to be the beginning of the end of the GOP, and Dumbo's transformation to a political White Elephant.
Obama’s SCOTUS selection begins to crack up conservatives: Chuck Grassley delivers stunning rebuke of Chief Justice John Roberts on the Senate floor -
"If there is a nuclear tactic being used here, I submit it is the use of that Obstruction where a willful minority blocks a bipartisan majority from voting on the President's Judicial Nominees" ~~~ Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX)
First, it was that America should wait till after the Elections, so a mandate of the people can decide the next President's choice for the Highest Court in the land...that horseshit, about a non-existent rule that's against confirming Supreme Court Appointments of “lame-duck” presidents...did not sell too well with the rest of the Party! Or did the Chairman of the US Senate "Judiciary" Committee tend to forget the Law, and the US Constitution?
That Ship of Fools that disguises itself as the once proud Grand Old Party...which bleeds for that Red White and Blue Patriotism, for our Forefathers, and the US sinking faster than the Titanic!
Maybe Chuck Grassley just didn't read Article II Section 2 of US Constitution?...that states: "The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session". There has been 10 Recess Appointments made in US History...only George Washington's appointment of John Rutledge was later Rejected by the Senate.
The last four appointments were made in the 20th Century; Oliver Wendell Holmes by Franklin Roosevelt...and Chief Justice Earl Warren, William Brennan, and Potter Stewart...all by a Republican named Eisenhower! So, it's not's not "Obama" and the Democrats that wrote that Constitutional Article and that Section, so live with it.
But, Republican Obstruction to Barack Obama has to continue till their last dying breadth, this Political Burlesque staged by the GOP doesn't have a happy ending, it'll cost them a few Senate careers and more than a few US House careers...and put them in a very dangerous position of loosing their Majority!
Will the Republicans risk those type of loses just to remain stupid and hateful?...and keep obstructing Barack? bet! And in an Election cycle, at that!
Personally, it's too late in the game to change strategies...and with an almost assured volatile Convention coming up in Cleveland? The mutually assured destruction of the Grand Old Party as they crash and burn, live on TV and Internet Streaming around the world!...too bad they can't carry their six-shooters inside...what a show would that had been!?!?
Now that the "Lame Duck" excuse for obstructing the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland fizzled, or even the "Blame it on Obama" shtick!...what on earth is going to be their next excuse? and who is Grassley going to blame for his miserable failure? Chief Justice John Roberts!! Yes! George Dubya's own John Roberts!
Why John Roberts? Somebody has to take the blame for the delay, cause Chuck Grassley just doesn't have the cojones to take responsibility...he's the "Chairman" and it's his committee, but continues to use the Republican blame game...never them. Now it's Robert's turn to be at fault for the "Politicization of the Supreme Court", "Physician, heal thyself"...good 'ol John Roberts is now Politicizing SCOTUS? "Politicizing" it like Bush v Gore? or maybe like Citizens United v Federal Elections Commission? Of course, to Republicans...oh no! 'that' was not Political!
As Harry Reid said about Grassley and the GOP; “What needs mending is the Judiciary Committee under his Chairmanship, which he has annexed as a political arm of the Republican Leader’s office"...Grassley has "Sacrificed the historical independence of the Judiciary Committee in order to do the bidding of the Tea Party and the Koch Brothers.” That sacrifice appears to be the beginning of the end of the GOP, and Dumbo's transformation to a political White Elephant.
Obama’s SCOTUS selection begins to crack up conservatives: Chuck Grassley delivers stunning rebuke of Chief Justice John Roberts on the Senate floor -
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